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African & African American Studies Faculty: Publications since January 2024

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Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo

  1. Fairfax, FG; Kwesi, J; McFalls, E; Razon, RL; Thursland, A; Peoples, CE; Daily, SB; Washington, AN; Bonilla-Silva, E; Prefontaine, BE, Work in Progress: The Role of Student Backgrounds in Understanding Racial Disparities in Computing, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings (June, 2024)

Darity, William A.   (search)

  1. Charney, E; Darity, W; Hubbard, L, How epigenetic inheritance fails to explain the Black-White health gap, Social Science and Medicine, vol. 366 (February, 2025) [doi]  [abs]
  2. Albright, TD; Darity, WA; Dunn, D; Ghani, R; Hayes-Greene, D; Hernández, TK; Heron, S, Beyond Implicit Bias, Daedalus, vol. 153 no. 1 (December, 2024), pp. 276-283 [doi]
  3. McKay, T; Darity, WA, Who Benefits from Mass Incarceration? A Stratification Economics Approach to the “Collateral Consequences” of Punishment, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, vol. 20 no. 1 (October, 2024), pp. 309-330 [doi]  [abs]
  4. Lahiri, B; Darity, WA, Global North–South Reparations: Demand-side and Supply-side Policies with a Dynamic View of International Trade and Finance, Development and Change, vol. 55 no. 4 (July, 2024), pp. 672-699 [doi]  [abs]
  5. Darity, WA; García, RE; Russell, L; Zumaeta, JN, Racial Disparities in Family Income, Assets, and Liabilities: A Century After the 1921 Tulsa Massacre, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, vol. 45 no. 2 (June, 2024), pp. 256-275 [doi]  [abs]
  6. Darity, W; Craemer, T; Berry, DR; Francis, DV, Black Reparations in the United States, 2024: An Introduction, RSF, vol. 10 no. 2 (June, 2024), pp. 1-28 [doi]  [abs]
  7. Darity, WA, Reconsidering the economics of identity: Position, power, and property, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 46 no. 1 (March, 2024), pp. 4-12 [doi]  [abs]
  8. Lefebvre, S; Aja, A; López, N; Darity, W; Hamilton, D, Toward a Latinx Stratification Economics, Review of Black Political Economy, vol. 51 no. 1 (March, 2024), pp. 44-78 [doi]  [abs]
  9. Darity, WA; Ruiz, I, Caste, class, race, and inequality: Insights for economic policy, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 40 no. 3 (January, 2024), pp. 443-461 [doi]  [abs]

Khahaifa, Naiima I

  1. Khahaifa, N, The contradictions of carceral care work: Black correctional officers and prison reproduction in New York State, Gender, Place & Culture (December, 2024), pp. 1-22, Informa UK Limited [doi]

Lentz-Smith, Adriane D.

  1. Lentz-Smith, A, The VISITOR'S CORNER with Judy Richardson, Modern American History, vol. 7 no. 3 (November, 2024), pp. 417-423 [doi]

Matory, J. Lorand

  1. Matory, JL, ‘On the backs of Blacks’: the fetish and how socially inferior Europeans put down Africans to prove their equality with their own oppressors, History of European Ideas, vol. 50 no. 4 (May, 2024), pp. 666-669, Informa UK Limited [doi]

Neal, Mark A.

  1. Neal, M, “Nearer to Thee”: The Still Evolving Legacy and Politics of Sam Cooke, Medium (December, 2024)  [abs]
  2. Neal, M, The Other Three-Album Run that Defined Quincy Jones' Black Pop Sound, LEVEL Magazine (November, 2024)  [abs]
  3. Neal, M, How Frankie Beverly Built a Band for Black America, LEVEL Magazine (September, 2024)  [abs]
  4. Neal, M, Revisiting Rap's Groundbreaking Book, Black Noise, LEVEL Magazine (August, 2024)  [abs]
  5. Neal, M, Center Fielder Willie Mays Has Left the Field for the Last Time, LEVEL Magazine (June, 2024)  [abs]
  6. Neal, M, Black Men and the Shame of Absenteeism, LEVEL Magazine (June, 2024)  [abs]

Royal, Charmaine D.

  1. Munung, NS; Royal, CD; de Kock, C; Awandare, G; Nembaware, V; Nguefack, S; Treadwell, M; Wonkam, A, Genomics and Health Data Governance in Africa: Democratize the Use of Big Data and Popularize Public Engagement., The Hastings Center report, vol. 54 Suppl 2 (December, 2024), pp. S84-S92 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Garrett-Peters, P; Ifekwunigwe, J; Schmid, L; Royal, C, A CAMPUS NARRATIVE OF A RESEARCH-INFORMED VISIONING PROCESS, in Strengthening Campus Communities Through the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation™ Framework (January, 2024), pp. 21-28 [doi]  [abs]

Shapiro, Karin

  1. Shapiro, K, 'A Doer of the Word of God': Archbishop Walter Paul Khotso Makhulu, in Life History, Political Biography and Struggle History (2025), African Minds
  2. Shapiro, K, Campus Activism at Yale: Fragmentary Memories and Reflections on the 1980s, in Struggle for a Free South Africa Campus Anti-Apartheid Movements in Africa and the United States, 1960–1994 (2024), Routledge, ISBN 9781032684253

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