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Publications of Mbaye Lo    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  by tags  bibtex listing:



  1. Lo, M; Ernst, CW, I Cannot Write My Life Islam, Arabic, and Slavery in Omar Ibn Said's America (2023)  [abs].
  2. Kamara, M, Sheikh Moussa Kamara's Islamic Critique of Jihadists (2023)  [abs].
  3. Lo, M, Political Islam, Justice and Governance (November, 2019), pp. 386 pages, Palgrave Macmillan [doi]  [abs].
  4. Lo, M, The Arabic Classroom Context, Text and Learners (April, 2019), pp. 310 pages  [abs].
  5. Lo, M, The Arabic Classroom: Context, Text and Students (In Progress) (April, 2016)  [abs].
  6. with Mbaye Lo, Muhammed Haron, Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa, edited by Lo, M; Haron, M (November, 2015), pp. 304 pages, Palgrave Macmillan [available here]  [abs].
  7. Lo, MB, International Uni of Africa, Khartoum (December, 2011), International University of African Press .
  8. Lo, MB, Reforming Higher Education in Africa: the Case of IUA, in International Uni of Africa, Khartoum (2011), pp. 116 pages, International University of African Press [aspx]  [abs].
  9. Lo, MB, Amrika: al-Islam wa al-Sudan: Qiraat fi Ghayahib al-Fikr al-Siyasi al-Hadith (America, Islam and Sudan: Readings in the Darkness of Modern Political Thought) (2011), Arab and African Research Center & Center for the Studies of Islam and Contemporary Muslim World (Book’s English Title: America, Islam and Sudan: Readings in the Darkness of Modern Political Thought..)  [abs].
  10. Lo, MB, Civil Society-Based Governance in Africa: Theories and Practices: ( A Case Study of Senegal) (2010), pp. 218 pages, Society Studies Center ( [@@cover]  [abs].
  11. Lo, M, Understanding the Muslim Discourse: Language, Tradition and the Message of Ben Laden (2009), pp. 122 pages, University Press of America .
  12. Lo, M, Muslims in America: Race, Politics and Community Building (2004), pp. 152 pages, Amana Publications .
  13. Lo, M, Arabic Language and Literary Themes in the African Literature (2001), pp. 148 pages, Arab and African Research Center .
  14. Lo, M, The intricacy of Power Transfer in Africa: Nigeria, a Case Study (1998), pp. 311 pages, International University of Africa, University Press  [abs].


  1. Lo, M, The Last Scholar: Cheikh Moussa Kamara and the Condemnation of Jihad by the Sword, ISLAMiCommentary (April, 2016), Duke Islamic Studies Center & Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations (UNC-Chapel Hill) [available here] .
  2. Lo, M, The West’s Freedom Problem and the Roots of Islamic Militancy, IslamiCommentary (February, 2016), Duke University [available here] .
  3. Lo, M, The Rise of the Islamic State and How to Reverse It, Small Wars Journal (November, 2014) [the-rise-of-the-islamic-state-and-how-to-reverse-it] .
  4. Lo, M, Islamic Radicalism and the End of time, al Arabiyya Institute of Studies (August, 2014) .
  5. Lo, MB, Mandela’s Dilemma: Western Politics, Native’s Ethics, al Arabiyya Institute of Studies (December, 2013) [mandela%E2%80%99s-dilemma-western-politics-native%E2%80%99s-ethics] .
  6. Lo, MB, Morsi, the Last Muslim Caliph of Egypt, (July, 2013) [html] .
  7. Lo, M, The Arab Revolution Within the Twenty-First Century Revolutions, al Arabiyya Institute of Studies (April, 2013) .
  8. Lo, MB, The Arab Revolution in World Revolutions, Al Arabiyya (April, 2013) [html] .
  9. Lo, MB, Mali: Between the ’Curse of Jefferson’ and the ’Spirit of Timbuktu', Mondoweiss (February, 2013) [html] .
  10. Lo, M, The Discourse of Islamic Militancy, The Immanent Frame (November, 2012)  [abs].
  11. Lo, MB, Freedom vs. Justice —The Problem with Islamic Militancy, Duke IslamiCommentary (November, 2012) [available here] .
  12. Lo, MB, Arab-African relationsh in Light of the Arab Revolutions, Sudanile (August, 2012) [html] .
  13. Lo, MB, Egypt at the Crossroads:, The Immanent Frame (July, 2012) .
  14. Lo, M, Democracy is at Work in Egypt, Sites@Duke (May, 2012), Duke University [available here] .
  15. Lo, MB, Lessons Learned in the wake of the Arab Spring, Sudanile (May, 2012) .
  16. Lo, M, Debating Secularism in the Arab Spring, SudaNile (April, 2012) .
  17. Lo, MB, The Discourse of the Arab Spring, Sudanile (February, 2012) [index.php] .
  18. Lo, M, Bin Laden, CEO of al-Qaida, The Herald-Sun (May, 2011) .
  19. Lo, M, Women, Islam and popular culture in Africa: a comparison (2004) (presented at the Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought In Africa, the African Study Program of Northwestern University, Evanston, Chicago, January 23rd..) .
  20. Lo, M, The development of Arabic literature in Africa (2004) (presented at the Arabic language series, Princeton University, March 30..) .
  21. Lo, M, Genesis of Islam in the African American community” (2002) (Presented at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Third Islam in America Conference. Ohio State University, July 2-4..) .

Papers Published

  1. Black Africans in Arabic Sources: A Critical Assessment of Method and Rhetoric, in The Palgrave Handbook of Islam in Africa (September, 2020), Springer Nature  [abs].
  2. Lo, M; Ernst, CW, The 1850’s Photographic Portrait of Omar Ibn Said: The Eloquence of Resilience, Muslim World, vol. 110 no. 3 (July, 2020), pp. 428-450 [doi] .
  3. Lo, M, 9780429325816, in Understanding the Higher Education Market in Africa, edited by mmanuel, M; Felix, M; Robert Ebo, H (March, 2020), Routledge  [abs].
  4. Lo, M, Introduction (April, 2019), pp. 1-10 [doi]  [abs].
  5. Lo, M, Justice Versus Freedom: The Dilemma of Political Islam, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 1-27, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  6. Lo, M, From Political Islam to Militant Islam: The Pursuit of Justice, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 95-145, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  7. Lo, M, Conclusions: Beyond Justice and Freedom!, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 351-362, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  8. Lo, M, From Liberal Freedom to Neo-liberal Inequality: The History of the Freedom Agenda, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 29-52, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  9. Lo, M, Turabi’s Islamic Project: From the Rhetoric of Freedom to the Politics of Tamkeen, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 249-303, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  10. Lo, M, Morsi’s Dilemma: The Shifting Sands Between Shar’iyyah and Shari’a, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 305-350, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  11. Lo, M, Freedom in Islamic Political Thought and Justice and Its Islamist Agents, in POLITICAL ISLAM, JUSTICE AND GOVERNANCE (2019), pp. 53-93 .
  12. Lo, M, The Collapse of the Egyptian Revolution: Liberal Freedom Versus Islamist Justice, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 147-195, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  13. Lo, M, The Islamic State: The Rise of Vigilante Justice, in Political Islam, Justice and Governance (2019), pp. 197-248, Springer International Publishing [doi] .
  14. The Rise of the Islamic State and How to Reverse it, in Global Radical Islamist Insurgency: Al Qaeda and Islamic State Networks Focus: A Small Wars Journal Anthology (February, 2016)  [abs].
  15. Introduction: Africa's Muslim institutions of higher learning: moving forward, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa, edited by Lo, M; Haron, M (January, 2016), pp. 1-9, Springer (translated by Lo, M.)  [abs].
  16. Lo, M, Islam and the Idea of the "African University": An Analytical Framework, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa (January, 2016), pp. 13-39, Palgrave Macmillan US [doi] .
  17. Lo, M, Islam and the idea of the “African university”: An analytical framework, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa (January, 2016), pp. 13-39, Palgrave Macmillan US [bok%25253A978-1-137-55231-0.pdf], [doi]  [abs].
  18. Lo, M, The Islamic University of Niger from Lahore, Pakistan, to Say, Niger: The Challenge of Establishing a Transnational Islamic University, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa (January, 2016), pp. 265-265, Palgrave Macmillan US [bok%253A978-1-137-55231-0.pdf], [doi] .
  19. Moussa, AY, King Faisal University in Chad: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa (January, 2016), pp. 157-177, Palgrave Macmillan US (translated by Lo, MB.) [bok%25253A978-1-137-55231-0.pdf], [doi]  [abs].
  20. Ahmed, AAA, The International University of Africa, Sudan: Its History, Mission and Dissertation, in Muslim Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa (January, 2016), pp. 211-220, Palgrave Macmillan US (translated by Lo, MB.) [bok%25253A978-1-137-55231-0.pdf], [doi]  [abs].
  21. Lo, M, Remembering the Arab Spring: Perspectives and Reflections, Siyasah Dualiyyah (Journal of International Politics), vol. 199 (February, 2015) [aspx] .
  22. M.B. Lo, Militant Islam and the End of Time, قناة العربية Al Arabiya (August 10, 2014) [islamic-radicalism-and-end-time] .
  23. Lo, M, Beyond Duality, for Plurality, The Immanent Frame (July, 2014) [available here]  [abs].
  24. Lo, M, Egypt and the Elusiveness of Shar’iyyah, The Immanent Frame (April, 2014) [available here]  [abs].
  25. Lo, MB, Religion and Religious Teachings in Al-Qaeda, in Religion and Terrorism, edited by Ward, V; Sherlock, R (2014), pp. 171-201, Lexington Books .
  26. Lo, MB, The Role of Religion and Religious Teachings in Al-Qaeda, in Religion and Terrorism: The Use of Violence in Abrahamic Monotheism, edited by Ward, V; Sherlock, R (2014), pp. 171-201, Lexington Books .
  27. M.B. Lo, Challenging Authority in Cyberspace: Evaluating Al Jazeera Arabic Writers, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, vol. 21 no. 3 (December, 2013), pp. 388-402 .
  28. Sene, I; Diagne, SB; Gueye, B; Duke Bryant, K; Lo, M, Overcoming the Challenges of (Im)Mobility: A Discussion on the Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education in Senegal (April, 2013) .
  29. Lo, M; Frkovich, A, Challenging authority in cyberspace: Evaluating Al Jazeera Arabic writers, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, vol. 25 no. 3 (January, 2013), pp. 388-402, University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress) [doi]  [abs].
  30. Lo, MB, Democracy is at Work in Egypt (May, 2012) .
  31. with Lo, MB; Nadhiri, A, Contextualizing "Muridiyyah" within the American muslim community: Perspectives on the past, present and future, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, vol. 4 no. 6 (June, 2010), pp. 231-240  [abs].
  32. Lo, MB, The Evolution of Arabic Literature in West Africa, in Afro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences, Afro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences, vol. 10 no. 10 (January, 2009), pp. 171-178 .
  33. with Lo, MB; 2009, TAT, Muslim Marriage Goes Online: The Use of Internet Match-making by American Muslims, Fall Edition, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture., vol. 21 no. 3 (2009), Journal of Religion & Popular Culture [html]  [abs].
  34. Lo, MB, Eavesdropping on Civil Society Associations in Senegal, Dirasaat Ifrikiyyah Journal, vol. 3 (December, 2007), International University of Africa Press .
  35. Lo, MB, Re-conceptualizing Civil Society: The Debate Continues With Specific Reference to Contemporary Senegal, African & Asian Studies, vol. 5 no. 1 (2006) .
  36. Lo Mbaye, Seeking the Roots of Terrorism: a Traditional Islamic Perspective, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, vol. X (Summer, 2005), University of Toronto Press [html] .
  37. Lo Mbaye, Arabic and the Development of ‘ajami Writings in Africa, El-Multaqa. Journal (October, 2000) .


  1. Lo, M, Muslim University Models in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunitie (April, 2016) .

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