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Research Interests for Erdag Göknar

Research Interests:

Primary focus on the legacies of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkist cultural revolution upon modern Turkey. Secondary focus on cultural translation and representations of Turks and Muslims, including regional understandings of Turkey and Islam in the Middle East and Eurasia. Theoretical focus on literature, colonialism, modernism, translation, and identity.

Literature, Identity, Representation, Cultural Translation, Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Current projects:
Between Orient and Nation: The Modern Turkish Novel and Orhan Pamuk (in-progress)
Colonial Encounter and Cultural Revolution: Narrative Identities of Ottoman Modernism and Turkism (in-progress)
A Mind at Peace (translation of Tanpinar novel), Archipelago Books, NY, 2008
Mediterranean Passages from Dido to Derrida, co-editor, UNC Press, 2008
Areas of Interest:

Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Ottoman/Turkish relations with Europe
Narrative Identities
Muslim Nationalism

Representative Publications
  1. Goknar, E, "The Novel in Turkish: From Narrative Tradition to Nobel Prize", in Cambridge History of Turkey: Turkey in the Modern World, edited by Kasaba, R, vol. IV (Fall, 2008), pp. 35-35, Cambridge University Press [catalogue.asp[abs]
  2. Goknar, E, "Orhan Pamuk and the ’Ottoman’ Theme", World Literature Today, vol. 80 no. 6 (November, 2006)

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