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Research Interests for Leo Ching

Research Interests: Popular Cultural and Colonial Studies

His research interests include colonial discourse studies, postcolonial theory, Japanese mass culture, and theories of globalization and regionalism. He has published in boundary 2, positions and Public Culture.

Decolonization, Physical geography
Recent Publications
  1. Volland, N; Ching, LTS, Archipelagic Asias: Fluid Perspectives and Oceanic Methodologies, Verge: Studies in Global Asias, vol. 10 no. 2 (September, 2024), pp. vi-xx [doi]
  2. Ching, LTS; Lim, H, Voices from Cheju (Jeju): Towards an Archipelagic Imagination, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, vol. 21 no. 7 (July, 2023) [abs]
  3. Ching, LTS, The new “Great Game”? Decolonizing wargames in the era of China’s rise, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 24 no. 5 (January, 2023), pp. 824-835 [doi[abs]
  4. Ching, LTS; Shim, D; Yang, FC, Editorial introduction: East Asian pop culture in the era of China’s rise, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 24 no. 5 (January, 2023), pp. 737-743 [doi]
  5. Ching, L, YELLOW SKIN, WHITE MASKS: Race, Class, and Identification in Japanese Colonial Discourse, in Postcolonlsm: Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies: Volume III, vol. 3 (January, 2023), pp. 1132-1156 [doi[abs]

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