| Publications [#376275] of Yunchuan Chen
Papers Published
- Chen, Y, An experimental approach to the reconstruction of the head quantifier phrase in Chinese relative clauses,
Canadian Journal of Linguistics, vol. 69 no. 1
(March, 2024),
pp. 118-128 [doi] .
(last updated on 2025/02/03)
Abstract: Aoun and Li (2003) argued that whether the head of Chinese relative clauses can reconstruct at Logical Form is determined by its phrasal category. When the head is a noun phrase, it can reconstruct; but when it is a quantifier phrase, it cannot. This paper uses a sentence-picture matching experiment to investigate this claim. The results showed that a quantifier phrase can reconstruct. Thus, we do not need to stipulate a noun phrase/quantifier phrase distinction for the reconstruction of heads in Chinese relative clauses. Both types of phrases can reconstruct, predicted by the head-raising analysis of relative clauses.