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Publications [#377143] of Yunchuan Chen

Papers Published

  1. List, A; Chen, Y, An experimental investigation of the Deep Double-o Constraint in Japanese causative constructions, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, vol. 40 no. 1 (May, 2024), pp. 87-108, Walter de Gruyter GmbH [doi] .
    (last updated on 2025/02/03)

    Abstract The Double-o Constraint (DoC) was proposed to explain the ungrammaticality of having two or more noun phrases (NPs) marked by the accusative case marker -o in a single Japanese clause. It has been argued that there are two types of DoCs: the Surface Double-o Constraint (SDoC) and the Deep Double-o Constraint (DDoC). The DDoC prohibits two accusative arguments in a single argument structure and is not affected by the number of accusative case markers on the surface. The evidence is from Japanese causatives. Our study conducted an experiment to test the DDoC and found that it may only apply to some native Japanese speakers.

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