Publications [#371852] of Blanka Aguero

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  1. Bombosch, A; Wieneke, A; Busch, A; Yonas, R; Hentschel, J; Kreier, H-P; Shaw, B; Shaw, AJ; Heinrichs, J, Narrow species concepts in the Frullania dilatata-appalachiana-eboracensis complex (Porellales, Jungermanniopsida): evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers, Plant Syst Evol., vol. 290 no. 1-4 (December, 2010), pp. 151-158 [doi] .
    (last updated on 2024/11/04)

    We investigated the phylogeny of a Holarctic-Asian group of Frullania species, the Frullania dilatata-F. appalachiana-F. eboracensis complex, using multiple accessions of morphologically circumscribed taxa and three molecular markers (nrITS region, cp DNA trnL-F and atpB-rbcL regions). Maximum parsimony and likelihood analyses indicated monophyly of morphologically defined taxa. Our phylogenies support a species rather than a subspecies concept within the complex, with four species in North America (F. appalachiana, F. eboracensis, F. parvistipula and F. virginica), and two species in Europe (F. dilatata and F. parvistipula). Accessions of F. dilatata from Southeast Europe and Asia are separated from other European accessions, indicating a former disjunct range of the species.