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Publications [#377726] of Tuan Vo-Dinh

Papers Published

  1. Atta, S; Sharaf, T; Vo-Dinh, T, Rapid Solution-Based SERS Detection of Pesticides Using Graphene Oxide-Coated Silver-Gold Nanostars, ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 7 no. 10 (May, 2024), pp. 11518-11529 [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/03/13)

    This study presents the development of an affordable and straightforward solution-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection platform, employing plasmonic-active silver-gold nanostars coated with graphene oxide (GO-SGNS). The inclusion of GO with SGNS produced several advantages, including colloidal stability, SERS detection reproducibility, and improved sensitivity. The solution-based SERS platform exhibited an ultralow detection capability with high reproducibility, and we achieved the limit of detection (LOD) as low as 10, 50, 100, and 100 pM for the pesticides-ziram, phorate, triazophos, and azinphos-methyl, respectively. To illustrate the potential for food safety, the surfaces of apples were pretreated with pesticides and were directly analyzed without any sample pretreatment. Furthermore, the solution-based SERS platform provided rapid detection of the four pesticides in binary and quaternary mixtures on apple surfaces, indicating good feasibility and multiplex capability of the method.

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