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Publications of A. Craig Burnside    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Burnside, C, Comment, vol. 23 (January, 2008), pp. 349-359 [doi]
  2. Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), World Bank (This is an edited volume. I am the author or co-author of 7 of its 9 chapters. See chapter by chapter information below.)

Journal Articles

  1. Burnside, AC; Graveline, JJ, On the Asset Market View of Exchange Rates, Review of Financial Studies (January, 2019)
  2. Burnside, C; Eichenbaum, M; Rebelo, S, Understanding booms and busts in housing markets, NBER Working Paper 16734, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 124 no. 4 (August, 2016), pp. 1088-1147, University of Chicago Press, ISSN 1537-534X [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  3. Burnside, AC, Identification and inference in linear stochastic discount factor models with excess returns, Journal of Financial Econometrics, vol. 14 no. 2 (2016), pp. 295-330, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 1479-8409 [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  4. Burnside, AC; Graveline, J, Exchange Rate Determination, Risk Sharing and the Asset Market View, Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) no. 139 (December, 2012), pp. 49 pages  [abs]
  5. Burnside, C, The cross section of foreign currency risk premia and consumption growth risk: Comment, American Economic Review, vol. 101 no. 7 (December, 2011), pp. 3456-3476, American Economic Association, ISSN 0002-8282 [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  6. Burnside, C; Eichenbaum, M; Rebelo, S, Carry trade and momentum in currency markets, Annual Review of Financial Economics, vol. 3 no. 1 (November, 2011), pp. 511-535, ANNUAL REVIEWS, ISSN 1941-1367 [annurev-financial-102710-144913], [doi]  [abs]
  7. Burnside, C; Han, B; Hirshleifer, D; Wang, TY, Investor overconfidence and the forward premium puzzle, Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78 no. 2 (April, 2011), pp. 523-558, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0034-6527 [523.abstract], [doi]  [abs]
  8. Burnside, C; Eichenbaum, M; Kleshchelski, I; Rebelo, S, Do peso problems explain the returns to the carry trade?, Review of Financial Studies, vol. 24 no. 3 (March, 2011), pp. 853-891, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0893-9454 [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  9. Tabova, A; Burnside, AC, Risk, Volatility, and the Global Cross-Section of Growth Rates, Duke Department of Economics Research Paper no. 43 (April, 2010)
  10. Carry Trade and Currency Crashes: A Comment, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2008 (July, 2008)
  11. Burnside, AC, Empirical Asset Pricing and Statistical Power in the Presence of Weak Risk Factors (March, 2008)
  12. Burnside, AC, The Forward Premium is Still a Puzzle (May, 2007)
  13. Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Kleshchelski, I; Rebelo, ST, The Returns to Currency Speculation, CEPR Discussion Paper no. 5883 (October, 2006)
  14. with Burnside, AC; Dollar, D, Aid, Policies, and Growth: Revisiting the Evidence (March, 2004) (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3251.)
  15. Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Rebelo, ST, On the Fundamentals of Self-Fulfilling Speculative Attacks (February, 2000)
  16. with Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Fisher, JDM, Fiscal Shocks in an Efficiency Wage Model, in Macroeconomics and the Real World, Volume 1: Econometric Techniques and Macroeconomics, edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Andrea Salanti (January, 2000), Oxford: Oxford University Press
  17. Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Fisher, JDM, Assessing the Effects of Fiscal Shocks (January, 2000)
  18. Dollar, D; Burnside, AC, Aid, the Incentive Regime, and Poverty Reduction (April, 1998)
  19. Industry Innovation: Where and Why. A Comment, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, vol. 44 (June, 1996), pp. 151–67
  20. with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Capital Utilization and Returns to Scale, 1995 NBER Macroeconomics Annual (January, 1996), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
  21. Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Rebelo, ST, Capital Utilization and Returns to Scale (May, 1995)
  22. with Burnside, AC; McCurdy, TH, The Equity Premium Puzzle, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance (1992)

Chapters in Books

  1. Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Currency Crises Models, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed., edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (December 31, 2008), Palgrave Macmillan
  2. Craig Burnside and Domenico Fanizza, Debt Relief and Fiscal Sustainability for HIPCs, in Reinventing Foreign Aid, edited by William Easterly (July, 2008), MIT Press
  3. with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Financing the Costs of Currency Crises, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 233-70, World Bank
  4. with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Currency Crises and Fiscal Sustainability, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 205-32, World Bank
  5. Some Tools for Fiscal Sustainability Analysis, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 35-80, World Bank
  6. Theoretical Prerequisites for Fiscal Sustainability Analysis, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 11-34, World Bank
  7. with Yuliya Meshcheryakova, Mexico: A Case Study of Procyclical Fiscal Policy, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 133-74, World Bank
  8. with Yuliya Meshcheryakova, Cyclical Adjustment of the Budget Surplus: Concepts and Measurement Issues, in Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, edited by Craig Burnside (June, 2005), pp. 113-32, World Bank
  9. Discussion [of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy, by Gabriel Srour], in Price Adjustment and Monetary Policy (2003), Ottawa: Bank of Canada
  10. with Burnside, AC; Eichenbaum, M; Rebelo, S, On the Fiscal Implications of Twin Crises, in Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, edited by Dooley, MP; Frankel, JA (2003), University of Chicago Press
  11. with David Dollar, Aid, Growth, the Incentive Regime, and Poverty Reduction, in The World Bank: Structure and Policies, edited by Christopher L. Gilbert and David Vines (2000), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Also in Spanish as “La Ayuda, el Sistema de Incentivos y la Reducción de la Pobreza,” Informacion Comercial Espanola: Revista De Economia (Spain) 778, 1999, 31–41.)
  12. Discrete State-Space Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies, in Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies, edited by Ramon Marimon and Andrew Scott (1999), Oxford: Oxford University Press
  13. with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, What Caused the Recent Asian Currency Crisis?, in The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Implications and Solutions, edited by William C. Hunter, George G. Kaufman and Thomas H. Krueger (1999), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Working Papers

  1. Craig Burnside and Jeremy J. Graveline, On the Asset Market View of Exchange Rates (July, 2014) [w18646]


  1. Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo, Understanding the Profitability of Currency-Trading Strategies, NBER Reporter, vol. 2012 no. 3 (July, 2012), pp. 10-14 [html]
  2. Comments on “The Welfare Implications of Inflation versus Price-Level Targeting in a Two-Sector Small Open Economy Model”, in Issues in Inflation Targeting, Economic Conference Papers and Proceedings (2006), Bank of Canada (Comments on a paper by Eva Ortega and Nooman Rebei. Conference April 2005, Published 2006 by the Bank of Canada..)
  3. with David Dollar, Aid Spurs Growth-in a Sound Policy Environment, Finance & Development, vol. 34 no. 4 (1997), pp. 4–7
  4. contributor to the, 1989-90 Official National Hockey League Guide and Record Book (1989), Montreal: National Hockey League

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