Sanford Institute Working Papers
- M.F. Bellemare, Rising Food Prices, Food Price Volatility, and Political Unrest
- S. Tveteras, F. Asche, M.F. Bellemare, M.D. Smith, A. Guttormsen, A. Lem, K. Lien, and S. Vannucini, Fish Is Food: The FAO's Fish Price Index
- M.F. Bellemare, C.B. Barrett, and D.R. Just, The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Fluctuations: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
(December, 2010) [papers.cfm] [abs]
- M.F. Bellemare and A.M. Holmberg, The Determinants of Music Piracy in a Sample of College Students
(2010) [papers.cfm] [abs]
- M.F. Bellemare, The Productivity Impacts of Formal and Informal Land Rights.
- M.F. Bellemare, The (Im)possibility of Reverse Share Tenancy
(2008) [papers.cfm] [abs]
Journal Articles
- M.F. Bellemare, Insecure Land Rights and Share Tenancy: Evidence from Madagascar,
Land Economics, vol. 88 no. 1
pp. forthcoming
- C.B. Barrett, M.E. Bachke, M.F. Bellemare, H.C. Michelson, S. Narayanan, T.F. Walker, Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries,
World Development
pp. forthcoming
- M.F. Bellemare, As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming,
World Development
pp. forthcoming
- M.F. Bellemare, Agricultural Extension and Imperfect Supervision in Contract Farming: Evidence from Madagascar,
Agricultural Economics, vol. 41 no. 6
pp. 507-517
- C.B. Barrett, M.F. Bellemare, and J.Y. Hou, Reconsidering Conventional Explanations of the Inverse Productivity-Size Relationship,
World Development, vol. 38 no. 1
pp. 88-97
- M.F. Bellemare and Z.S. Brown, On the (Mis)Use of Wealth as a Proxy for Risk Aversion.,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 92 no. 1
pp. 273-282
- M.F. Bellemare, Sharecropping, Insecure Land Rights, and Land Titling Policies: A Case Study of Lac Alaotra, Madagascar,
Development Policy Review, vol. 29 no. 1
pp. 87-106
- M.F. Bellemare, When Perception is Reality: Subjective Expectations and Contracting,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 91 no. 5
pp. 1377-1381
- M.F. Bellemare and C.B. Barrett, An Ordered Tobit Model of Market Participation: Evidence from Kenya and Ethiopia,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 88 no. 2
pp. 324-337
Chapters in Books
- M.F. Bellemare, Sharecropping,
in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A. Darity Jr.
(2008), Macmillan Reference USA, Farmington Hills, MI
- M.F. Bellemare, Tobit,
in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A. Darity Jr.
(2008), Macmillan Reference USA, Farmington Hills, MI
- Barrett, Christopher B., Marc F. Bellemare, and Sharon M. Osterloh, Household-Level Livestock Marketing Behavior Among Northern Kenyan and Southern Ethiopian Pastoralists,
in Pastoral Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges, edited by John McPeak and Peter D. Little
pp. 15-38, Warwickshire, UK: ITDG Publishing
- C.B. Barrett and M.F. Bellemare, Why Food Price Volatility Doesn't Matter,
Foreign Affairs
(July 12, 2011) [why-food-price-volatility-doesnt-matter]
- M.F. Bellemare, Goals Miss the Mark,
The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC)
- M.F. Bellemare, The UN's Useless Promises,
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA)
- M.F. Bellemare, Why Africa's Food Markets are Thin,
The News & Observer (Raleigh-Durham, NC)
(April 25, 2008) [html]
- M.F. Bellemare, Crise alimentaire mondiale: Un problème structurel en Afrique,
Le Devoir (Montréal)
(April 17, 2008) [html]
Published Policy Briefs and Comments
- M.F. Bellemare, Insécurité foncière, fluctuations de prix, ou responsabilité limitée: La nature et les causes du métayage inverse dans l'Alaotra, USAID BASIS Collaborative Research Program Policy Brief #1
(2005), FOFIFA [pdf]