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Research Interests for Deborah Pope

Research Interests: Creative Writing; Poetry; American Literature; Gender & Sexuality Studies; Literature and Medicine

Deborah Pope has published A Separate Vision: Isolation in Contemporary Women's Poetry (LSU, 1984), Ties That Bind: Essays on Mothering and Patriarchy (University of Chicago Press, 1990), Fanatic Heart (LSU, 1992), Mortal World (LSU, 1995) and Falling Out of the Sky. Her primary interests are in 20th Century American poetry, women's poetry, feminist theory and creative writing.

Areas of Interest:

Creative Writing
19th-20th Century American Literature
Poetry (especially Contemporary Women's Poetry)
Feminist Theory
Twentieth Century British Literature
British Literature 1850-1900
Literature and Medicine
Women's Studies

Recent Publications
  1. Pope, D, Take Nothing (February, 2020), Carnegie Mellon University Press
  2. Pope, "Scientist Search Burial Vault for Seventeenth Century Air", Poetry Northwest, vol. 34 no. 2 (2015)
  3. Pope, "Irene", Southwest Quarterly, vol. forthcoming (2015)
  4. Pope, "On State Route 10 N", Tar River Poetry Journal, vol. 54 no. 2 (2015)
  5. Pope, "The Healer", in Intimacy: An Anthology, edited by Richard Krawiec (2015), Jacar Press

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