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Publications of Barbara H. Smith    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. Smith, BH. Practicing Relativism in the Anthropocene On Science, Belief, and the Humanities. Open Humanities Press, October, 2018. 152 pages pp. [available here]  [abs]
  2. Smith, BH. Natural reflections: Human cognition at the nexus of science and religion. The Terry Lectures Series Yale University Press, Winter, 2010. 1-206 pp. [book.asp]  [abs]
  3. Li, M. Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 99'.66 Taylor & Francis, Routledge, 2007. 2-4 pp. [doi]
  4.  Scandalous Knowledge: Science, Truth and the Human. Edinburgh UP/Duke UP, 2005/2006. [books.php3]  [abs]
  5. Smith, BH. Scandalous knowledge: Science, truth and the human. January, 2006. 1-198 pp.  [abs]
  6. Smith, BH; Plotnitsky, A. Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory. Duke University Press, March, 1997. 288 pages pp.  [abs]
  7. Smith, BH. Belief and Resistance: Dynamics of Contemporary Intellectual Controversy. Harvard UP, 1997.
  8. Smith, BH; Gless, D; eds, ; Introduction, . The Politics of Liberal Education. Edited by Smith, BH; Gless, DJ. Duke University Press, 1991.  [abs]
  9. Smith, BH. Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory. Harvard University Press, 1988.  [abs]
  10. Smith, BH. On the Margins of Discourse: The Relation of Literature to Language. U of Chicago P, 1978.
  11. Smith, BH. Poetic Closure. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Edited by al, APA. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton 1993), 1974.
  12. Smith, BH. Poetic Closure: A Study of How Poems End. U of Chicago P, 1968.
  13. Smith, BH; ed. Discussions of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1964.

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. Smith, BH. "ANTIREPRESENTATIONALISM BEFORE AND AFTER RORTY." Common Knowledge 28.3 (January, 2022): 424-442. [doi]
  2. Smith, BH. "Perplexing realities: Practicing relativism in the anthropocene." Climate Realism: The Aesthetics of Weather and Atmosphere in the Anthropocene.  2020. 138-156.
  3. Smith, BH. "Unloading the self-refutation charge." Common Knowledge 25.1-3Duke University Press, (January, 2019): 76-91. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Smith, BH. "Scientizing the humanities: Shifts, collisions, negotiations." Common Knowledge 22.3Duke University Press, (September, 2016): 353-372. [doi]
  5. Smith, BH. "Anthropotheology: Latour speaking religiously." New Literary History 47.2-3Johns Hopkins University Press, (March, 2016): 331-351. [doi]
  6. Smith, BH. "What Was "close Reading"?: A Century of Method in Literary Studies." Minnesota Review 2016.87Duke University Press, (January, 2016): 57-75. [doi]
  7. Smith, BH. "An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns." Common Knowledge 20.3Duke University Press, (August, 2014): 491-493. [doi]
  8. Watson, J. "On Free-Wheeling Careers." the minnesota review 2013.80Duke University Press, (May, 2013): 62-79. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Smith, BH. "Science and religion, natural and unnatural." Sacred Science?: On Science and Its Interrelations with Religious World Views. Ed. S. A. Oyen, T. Lund-Olsen and N. S. Vaage. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2012. 101-110. [doi]
  10. Smith, BH. "Science and religion, natural and unnatural." Sacred Science?: On Science and Its Interrelations with Religious Worldviews. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2012. 101-110. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Smith, BH. ""Dolls, Demons and DNA"."  34.5  Review of Bruno Latour, *The Cult of the Factish Gods*
  12. Smith, BH. "Reading at large: Reflections on the forum "What can reading do?"." Novel 45.1Duke University Press, (March, 2012): 27-29. [doi]
  13. Smith, BH. "Chinese comparisons and questionable acts." Common Knowledge 17.1Duke University Press, (Winter, 2011): 42-47. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  14. Smith, BH. "The Entwinement of Religion and Economics: Comments on Bradley Bateman's “In a Space of Questions”." History of Political Economy 43.2Duke University Press, (Summer, 2011): 423-428. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  15. Smith, BH. "Clearing up after the science wars: A response to emily A. Schultz." Reviews in Anthropology 40.2Informa UK Limited, (April, 2011): 165-168. [doi]  [abs]
  16. Smith, BH. "THE CHIMERA OF RELATIVISM A Tragicomedy." COMMON KNOWLEDGE 17.1Duke University Press, (Winter, 2011): 13-26. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  17. Schneider, N; BHS. "“Religion, Science, and the Humanities: An Interview with Barbara Herrnstein Smith”."   [religion-science-and-]
  18. Smith, BH. "“Science and Religion: Lives and Rocks”." New York Times  (January, 2010) [science-and-]  [abs]
  19. Smith, BH. "Comment." Goodness and Advice.  2009. 132-144.
  20. Smith, BH. ""It’s Like Getting Married"."  31.3  Review of Steven Shapin, *The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation*
  21. Smith, BH. ""Cognitive Machinery and Explanatory Ambitions"." Online Forum, The Immanent Frame  (June, 2008) [available here]
  22. Smith, BH. ""Naturalism, Otherwise"." The Immanent Frame  (June, 2008) [%3E]
  23. Smith, BH. "Endurance, Otherwise: a Response to Martin Meuller." Salmagundi 88-89 (2007): 455-68.
  24. Smith, BH. "Relativism, Today and Yesterday." Common Knowledge Special double issue, “A ‘Dictatorship of Relativism?’: The Intellectual Community Responds to Cardinal Ratzinger’s Last Homily”.13.2-3 (Summer, 2007): 227-249.
  25. Smith, BH. "Animal Ralatives, Difficult Relations,"." Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 13.1Duke University Press, (Spring, 2004): 1-15.  Special issue, "Man and Beast," ed Elizabeth Weed and Ellen Rooney [doi]
  26. Smith, BH. "Cutting-edge equivocation: Conceptual moves and rhetorical strategies in contemporary anti-epistemology." South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1Duke University Press, (January, 2002): 187-212. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  27. Smith, BH. "Reply to an analytic philosopher." South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1Duke University Press, (Winter, 2002): 228-242. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  28. "Comment." Goodness and Advice. Ed. J. Thomson. Princeton UP, 2001. 132-144.
  29. Smith, BH. "Netting Truth." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 115.5Modern Language Association (MLA), (October, 2000): 1089-1095. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  30. Smith, BH. "Sewing Up the Mind: The Claims of Evolutionary Psychology." Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology. Ed. Rose, H; Rose, S. Jonathan Cape, 2000. 129-143.
  31. Smith, BH. "Review of Brian Cantwell Smith, *On the Origin of Objects*." Isis: Journal of the History of Science Society 89.4 (1999): 772-773.
  32. Smith, BH. "On the Origin of Objects. Brian Cantwell Smith." Isis 89.4University of Chicago Press, (December, 1998): 772-773. [doi]
  33. Smith, BH. ""Is it Really a Computer?"." Times Literary Supplement  (February, 1998): 3-4.  Review of Steven Pinker, *How the Mind Works* [New York: Norton 1997]
  34. Smith, BH. ""Evaluation" and "Value"." The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Ed. Kelly, M. New York: Oxford UP, 1998. 
  35. Smith, BH. "How the mind works." TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT 4951 (1998): 3-4.
  36. Smith, BH. "Review of Felipe Fernandez-Armesto’s *Truth: A History*." The Times Literary Supplement  (October, 1997): 18-18.
  37. Smith, BH. "Review of Rom Harre and Michael Krausz, *Varieties of Relativism*." Common Knowledge 6.2Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Oxford, 1996, (1997): 104-104.
  38. Smith, BH. "The Hermeneutic Circle." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 111.3Modern Language Association (MLA), (May, 1996): 465-466. [doi]
  39. Smith, BH. "The Hermeneutic Circle." PMLA 111.3 (1996): 465-66.
  41. Smith, BH. "Circling Around, Knocking Over, Playing Out: Reply to Robert J. Richards." Questions of Evidence, A. Davidson, H. Haratoonian and J. Miller, eds. (Chicago: Chicago UP).  1994. 
  42. Smith, BH. "Making (Up) the Truth: Constructivist Contributions." University of Toronto Quarterly 61.4University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress), (May, 1992): 422-429. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Smith, BH. "Unloading the Self-Refutation Charge." Common Knowledge 2.2 (1992): 81-95.
  44. Smith, BH. "The Unquiet Judge: Activism Without Objectivism in Law and Politics." Annals of Scholarship 9.1-2 (1992): 111-13.  Also in *Rethinking Objectivity,* ed. Allen Megill [Duke UP 1996]
  45. Smith, BH. "Making (Up) the Truth: Constructivist Contributions." University of Toronto Quarterly 61.4 (1992): 422-29.
  46. Smith, BH. "Belief and Resistance: A Symmetrical Account." Critical Inquiry 18.1University of Chicago Press, (October, 1991): 125-139. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  47. Smith, BH. "The Complex Agony of Injustice." Cardozo Law Review 13.4 (1991): 101-04.
  50. "Endurance, Otherwise: a Response to Martin Meuller." Salmagundi 88-89 (Fall 1990): 455-68.
  51. Smith, BH. "Judgment After the Fall." Cardozo Law Review 11.5-6 (1990): 1291-1311.  Also in Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice, eds. D. Cornell, M. Rosenfeld, and D.G. Carlson (New York and London 1992)
  53. Smith, BH. "Limelight: Reflections on a Public Year (Presidential Address to the MLA)." PMLA 104.3 (1989): 285-93.
  54. Smith, BH. "Issues in Contemporary Literary Education." Duke Dialogue  (March, 1988)
  55. Smith, BH. "Curing the Humanities, Correcting the Humanists." MLA Newsletter  (Summer, 1988)
  56. Smith, BH. "Reply to Lynne V. Cheney." MLA Newsletter  (Fall, 1988)
  57. Smith, BH. "Value/Evaluation." South Atlantic Quarterly 86.4 (1987): 444-55.  Also in Critical Terms for Literary Study, ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin [Chicago: U of Chicago P 1990]
  58. Smith, BH. "Value Without Truth-Value." Life After Postmodernism: Essays on Value and Culture. Ed. Fekete, J. New York: St. Martin’s Press and Montreal: New World Perspectives, 1987. 
  60. Smith, BH. "Masters and Servants: Theory in the Literary Academy." Making Sense: The Role of the Reader in Contemporary Fiction. Ed. Munich, GH.  1986.  Also in Explorations in Music, the Arts and Ideas: Essays in Honor of Leonard B. Meyer, ed. Eugene Narmour [Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press, 1988]
  61. Smith, BH. "Standards and Judgments: A Post-Axiological Essay." Tamking Review 14.1-4 (1984): 462-85.
  62. Smith, BH. "Towards the Practice of Theory." Romanticism and Culture: A Tribute to Morse Peckham and Bibliography of his works. Ed. Matalene, HW. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1984. 
  63. Smith, BH. "Contingencies of Value." Critical Inquiry 10.1 (1983): 1-35.  Also appears in Canons [Polish translation], ed. Robert von Hallberg [Chicago: U of Chicago, 1984]; Pamietnik Literacki 26, vol. 2 no. 4; Twentieth Century Literary Theory: An Introductory Anthology, eds. Vassili Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller [New York: SUNY P, 1986]; The Culturology of Literature and Art in the Contemporary West [Chinese translation], eds. Luo Weng, Zhou Xian, and Dai Yun [Peking, 1989]: The Critical Tradition, ed. David H. Richter [New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989]; The National Forum [abridged] Summer 1989
  64. Smith, BH. "Narrative Versions, Narrative Theories." Critical Inquiry 6.2 (1980): 213-36.  Also in *On Narrative,* ed. W.J.T. Mitchell [Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1981]; *American Criticism: The Poststructuralist Age*, ed. Ira Konigsberg [Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1981]
  65. Smith, BH. "Fixed Marks and Variable Constancies: A Parable of Literary Value." Poetics Today, reprinted in Hebrew translation, Siman Kriya, Summer 1981 1.1-2 (1979): 1-22.
  66. Smith, BH. "Surfacing from the Deep." PTL: A Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of Literature 2.2 (1977): 151-82.
  67. Smith, BH. "Actions, Fictions and the Ethics of Interpretation." Centrum 3.2 (1977): 117-32.
  68. Smith, BH. "On the Margins of Discourse." Critical Inquiry 1.4 (1975): 769-98.
  69. Smith, BH. "Women Artists: Some Muted Notes." Journal of Communications 24.2 (1974): 146-49.
  70. Smith, BH. "Review of Paul Hernandi, *Beyond Genre: New Directions in Literary Classification*." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 32.2(Ithaca, NY, 1973), (1973): 296-98.
  71. Smith, BH. "The New Imagism." Midway: A Magazine of Discovery in the Arts and Sciences 9.3 (1969): 27-44.
  72. Smith, BH. "’Sorrow’s Mysteries’: Keat’s ’Ode on Melancholy’." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 6.4 (1966): 679-91.

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