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Charlotte S. SussmanCharlotte S. Sussman  
Professor and Chair

Office Location: 302 Allen Building, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: charlotte.sussman@duke.edu

Office Hours:

Spring '25 Semester:

(302 Allen)


Ph.D., Cornell University

M.A., Cornell University

B.A., Yale University

Eighteenth Century Literature

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Sussman, C. "The masterless." The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English.  2024. 131-143. [doi]
  2. Sussman, C; Landels, T; Bradley, I; Desir, K; Glass, G; Lewis-Meeks, A; Harwell, J. "“Died a small boy”: Re-Centering the Human in Geospatial Data from the Middle Passage." Archipelagos 7Columbia University Libraries, (May, 2023)
  3. Stan, C; Sussman, C. The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture. January, 2023. 1-656 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Sussman, C. "“Resonance is Contact Ripple”: Media and Contemporary Poems of Mediterranean Migration." The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture.  2023. 457-474. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Sussman, C. "Figurations of the Migrant: Introduction." The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture.  2023. 15-18. [doi]  [abs]

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