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Corina M StanCorina M Stan  
Bacca Foundation Associate Professor

Office Location: 311 Allen Building, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: corina.stan@duke.edu
Web Page: http://corinastan.wordpress.com

Teaching (Fall, 2024):

  • English 101s.01, The art of reading Synopsis
    Allen 318, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
  • English 590s-5.01, Sp top seminar diversity Synopsis
    Allen 304i, Th 03:05 PM-05:35 PM

Office Hours:

Spring 2024 Semester:

Tuesdays 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and by appointment.


Ph.D., Duke University

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Stan, C. "What Future for a Europe of the Past? Myth, Memory, and the Map of Time in the Work of Jean Raspail and Georgi Gospodinov." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction Taylor & Francis Online, (July, 2024)
  2. Stan, C; Sussman, C. The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture. Springer Nature, January, 2023. 1-656 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  3. Stan, C. "Migration as Palimpsest: Introduction." The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture.  2023. 219-223. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Stan, C; Sussman, C. "Introduction." The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture.  2023. 1-11. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Stan, C; Sakr, R. "Migration and Experimentation: Introduction." The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture.  2023. 511-515. [doi]  [abs]

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