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Joseph R. WintersJoseph R. Winters  
Associate Professor of Religious Studies

Office Location: 118 Gray Building, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: joseph.winters@duke.edu
Web Page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UGt-_gLPIE&list=PLgBIp6MpvvCNr6moOHOuN54db_xB3kV_5&index=4

Teaching (Fall, 2024):

  • Religion 102.01, Religion, race, gender, power Synopsis
    Reuben-coo 126, MW 03:05 PM-04:20 PM
  • Religion 912s.01, Theorizing religion Synopsis
    Reuben-coo 128, W 10:20 AM-12:50 PM


Ph.D., Princeton University

B.A., Harvard University

American Religious History
My research interests lie at the intersection of modern religious thought, African American religious thought, and critical theory. My work contributes to recent endeavors to re-imagine and expand our understanding of black religion, black piety, and black cultural practices. Using a dialogical approach, I examine black religious and literary thought in conversation with critical theory and continental philosophy. My research also draws from theories and approaches to religious studies. My first book, Hope Draped in Black: Race, Melancholy, and the Agony of Progress (Duke UP, 2016) challenges racial progress narratives by examining the relationship between remembrance, loss, and hope in black literature and aesthetic practices.

Curriculum Vitae
Representative Publications

  1. Zamalin, A; Winters, JR; Olson, A; Njoya, W. Toni Morrison and political theory.  Contemporary Political Theory 19.4 (December, 2020): 704-729. [doi]

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