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Judith RudermanJudith Ruderman  
Visiting Professor

Office Location: 3612 Alman Drive, Durham, NC 27705
Office Phone: (919) 489-0421
Email Address: judith.ruderman@duke.edu

Office Hours:

Fall 2013
By appointment (email)


Ph.D., Duke University

M.A.T., The University of Rochester (Rochester, NY)

A.B., The University of Rochester (Rochester, NY)

Modern to Contemporary

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Ruderman, J. Race and Identity in D.H. Lawrence: Indians, Gypsies, and Jews. Palgrave MacMillan, March, 2014. 1-292 pp. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Ruderman, J. D.H. Lawrence and the devouring mother the search for a patriarchal ideal of leadership. Duke Univ Pr, 1984. 211 pages pp.
  3. Ruderman, J. William Styron. Ungar Publishing Company, 1987. 160 pages pp.  [abs]
  4. Ruderman, J. Joseph Heller. Continuum International Pub Group, June, 1991. 216 pages pp.  [abs]
  5. "Lorenze and Francesco: The 'Visionary Images' of D.H. Lawrence and Francesco Clemente." Englishes: Letterature Inglesi Contemporanee 6.18 (2002): 79-94.
  6. Ruderman, J. "An Englishman at Heart? : D. H. Lawrence and the National Identity Debates." D.H. Lawrence New Worlds. Ed. Keith Cushman and Earl G. Ingersoll. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 2003. 50-67.  [abs]

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