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A Leigh DeNeefA Leigh DeNeef  
Professor Emeritus of English

Email Address: leigh.deneef@duke.edu


Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

M.A., Pennsylvania State University

B.A., Iowa Wesleyan College
Renaissance Literature; Critical Theory
Leigh DeNeef has published This Poetick Liturgie: Robert Herrick's Ceremonial Mode (Duke, 1974), Spenser and the Motives of Metaphor (Duke, 1982), and Traherne in Dialogue: Heidegger, Lacan, and Derrida (Duke, 1988), as well as numerous articles on Renaissance literature and critical theory. His primary interests are in psychoanalytical approaches to literature. He also serves as Associate Dean of the Graduate School and, in that capacity, has published several studies on issues in graduate education to a number of national forums.

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1.  The Academic's Handbook. Third Edition,  Duke University Press, December, 2006  [abs]
  2. A.L. DeNeef. The Academic's Handbook. 3rd Edition,  Duke University Press, 2005.  (New and Expanded Edition)
  3. A.L. DeNeef. "Best Practices: Core Expectations for Graduate Education at Duke University." Duke University Graduate School. (n.d.).
  4. A.L. DeNeef. "Guidelines for the Professional Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants." Duke University Graduate School. (n.d.).
  5. "Preparing Future Faculty Project: What Difference Does It Make?." Association of American Colleges and Universities Series of Occasional Papers  (2002)

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