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Publications of Srinivas Aravamudan    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. S Aravamudan. Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel. manual. University of Chicago Press, 2012.
  2. S Aravamudan. An Edition of Hector MacNeill’s The Life and Travels of Charles Macpherson.  2012.
  3. S Aravamudan. Guru English: South Asian religion in a cosmopolitan language. scopus. Princeton University Press, 2006. 1-330 pp. (Republished by Penguin India, Fall 2007)  [abs]
  4. S Aravamudan. Guru English: South Asian religion in a cosmopolitan language (digital edition). Princeton University Press, June, 2011.
  5. S Aravamudan. Sovereignty and Anachronism.  2010.
  6. S Aravamudan. Tropicopolitans: Colonialism and Agency, 1688-1804. manual. Duke University Press, May, 1999.


  1. Aravamudan, S. Special issue on "War". 124.5October, 2009
  2. Aravamudan, S. William Earle’s Obi or the History of Three-Fingered Jack. 978-1551116693.Broadview Literary Texts,  Broadview Literary Texts, July, 2005
  3. Aravamudan, S. Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation: Writings in the British Romantic Period. Literary Forms.Vol. 6,  Pickering and Chatto, May 1999.  [abs]

Essays/Articles/Chapters in Books

  1. S Aravamudan. "Slavery and the Culture of Taste." Modern Language Quarterly 76.3 (September, 2015): 408-411. [doi]
  2. S Aravamudan. "On Peace and the International Humanities." manualRedrafting Perpetual Peace. Ed. R Braidotti and G Lambert.  (October, 2014) 2014. 
  3. S Aravamudan. "Fables of Censorship: Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories." Western Humanities Review 49 (February, 2014): 323-39.
  4. S Aravamudan. "East-West Fiction as World Literature: The Hayy Problem Reconfigured." Eighteenth-Century Studies 47.2 (2014): 195-231. [doi]
  5. S Aravamudan. "The Catachronism of Climate Change." diacritics 41.3 (2013): 6-30. [doi]
  6. S Aravamudan. "Equiano lite." scopusProject Muse 4. 9781572339262 (January, 2012): 25-31. 2012. 25-31.
  7. S Aravamudan. "Response: Exoticism beyond Cosmopolitanism?." EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY FICTION 25.1 (2012): 227-242. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  8. S Aravamudan. "Talking about Lebanon and Gaza Reply." PMLA-PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 126.3 (May, 2011): 818-818. [Gateway.cgi]
  9. BL Ra'ad, S Aravamudan, D Galef, S Jarvis and K Olson. "Gaza and Lebanon in the Special Issue on War." PMLA-PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 126.1 (January, 2011): 243-248. [Gateway.cgi]
  10. S Aravamudan. "Refusing the Death of the Novel." NOVEL-A FORUM ON FICTION 44.1 (2011): 20-22. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  11. S Aravamudan. "Foreword." manualBlack Mirror/Espejo Negro. Ed. P Lasch. Duke University Press, (2010): 2-5. 2010. 2-5.
  12. S Aravamudan. "What Kind Of A Story Is This?." PMLA: Lead Essay to MLA Approaches to Teaching Oroonoko Modern Language Association, (2010)
  13. S Aravamudan. "The Character of the University." BOUNDARY 2-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND CULTURE 37.1 (Winter, 2010): 23-55. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  14. S Aravamudan. "Introduction: Perpetual War." PMLA Ed. D Taylor and S Aravamudan. 124.5 (October, 2009): 1505-1514. [doi]
  15. S Aravamudan. "Hobbes and America." manualThe Postcolonial Enlightenment. Ed. D Carey and L Festa. Oxford University Press, (Spring, 2009): 37-70. Spring, 2009. 37-70.
  16. S Aravamudan. "Rogue States and Emergent Disciplines." manualStates of Emergency: The Object of American Studies. Ed. R Castronovo and S Gillman. University of North Carolina Press, (2009): 17-35. 2009. 17-35.
  17. S Aravamudan. "The (Teleo)Poiesis of Singularity." PMLA-PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 123.1 (January, 2008): 244-247. [Gateway.cgi]
  18. S Aravamudan. "The Adventure Chronotope and the Oriental Xenotrope: Galland, Sheridan, and Joyce Domesticate The Arabian Nights." manualThe Arabian Nights in Historical Context. Ed. F Nussbaum and S Makdisi. Oxford University Press, (Winter, 2008) Winter, 2008.
  19. S Aravamudan. "The Teleopoiesis of Singularity (in forum on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Influences Past, Present, and Future)." PMLA 123.1 (2008): 244-246.
  20. S Aravamudan. "Defoe, Commerce, Adventure, and Empire." scopusCambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe. Ed. J Richetti. Cambridge University Press, (2008): 45-63. 2008. 45-63. [doi]  [abs]
  21. S Aravamudan and R Khanna. "Interview with Srinivas Aravamudan and Ranjana Khanna." manualJameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism. Ed. I Buchanan. Duke University Press, (December, 2007): 203-240. 2007. 203-240.
  22. S Aravamudan. "Orientalism." manualThe Oxford Encyclopaedia of British Literature. Ed. DS Kastan and N Armstrong.  (January, 2007) 2007. 
  23. S Aravamudan. "Subjects/sovereigns/rogues." Eighteenth-Century Studies 40.3 (Spring, 2007): 457-65. [Gateway.cgi]
  24. S Aravamudan. "East Indies and West Indies: Comparative misapprehensions." ANTHROPOLOGICAL FORUM 16.3 (November, 2006): 291-309. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  25. S Aravamudan. "Sovereignty: Between Embodiment and Detranscendentalization." Texas International Law Journal 41.3 (Summer, 2006): 427-46.
  26. S Aravamudan. "Talking Jewels and Other Oriental Seductions." manualDiderot and European Culture. Ed. A Strugnell and F Ogee. 9Voltaire Foundation, (2006): 15-34. 2006. 15-34.
  27. S Aravamudan. "Fiction/Translation/Transnation: The Secret History of the Eighteenth-Century Novel." manualBlackwell’s The Eighteenth-Century Novel: Companion to Literature and Culture. Ed. P Backscheider and C Ingrassia.  (November, 2005): 48-74. 2005. 48-74.
  28. S Aravamudan. "'The Unity of the Representer': Reading Leviathan against the Grain." South Atlantic Quarterly Ed. Alberto Moreiras. 104.4 (August, 2005): 631-653. [doi]
  29. S Aravamudan. "Carl Schmitt's 'The Nomos of the Earth:' Four Corollaries." South Atlantic Quarterly Ed. W Rasch. 104.2 (April, 2005): 227-236. [doi]  [abs]
  30. S Aravamudan. "The Colonial Logic of Late Romanticism." South Atlantic Quarterly Ed. I Baucom. 102.1 (January, 2003): 179-214. [doi]  [abs]
  31. S Aravamudan. "Ground Zero, or the Implosion of Church and State." manualDissent from the Homeland: Essays on September 11. Ed. F Lentricchia and S Hauerwas. Duke University Press, (2003) 2003. 
  32. S Aravamudan. "The Return of Anachronism." Modern Language Quarterly 62.4 (December, 2001): 331-354. [doi]
  33. "Equiano Lite." Eighteenth-Century Studies 34.4 (2001): 615-19.
  34. S Aravamudan. "Guru English." Social Text 19.1 (2001): 19-44.
  35. S Aravamudan. "Progress Through Violence or Progress From Violence: Interpreting ambivalences of the Histoire des deux Indes." manualProgress and Violence in the Enlightenment. Ed. D Dawson and V Cossy. Champion, (2001) 2001. 
  36. S Aravamudan. "In the Wake of the Novel: The Oriental Tale as National Allegory." NOVEL-A FORUM ON FICTION 33.1 (1999): 5-31. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  37. S Aravamudan. "Postcolonial Affiliations: Ulysses and All About H. Hatterr." manualTransculturing Joyce. Ed. K Lawrence. Cambridge University Press, (December, 1998): 97-128. 1998. 97-128.
  38. S Aravamudan. "What is Not a Nation?." manualNew Direction in Cognitive Science. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, (Dec. 1995): 368-380. Dec. 1995. 368-380.
  39. S Aravamudan. "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in the Hammam: Masquerade, Womanliness, and Levantinization." ELH-ENGLISH LITERARY HISTORY 62.1 (Spring, 1995): 69-104. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  40. S ARAVAMUDAN. "Fables of Censorship: Salman Rushdie, Satire, and Symbolic Violence." Western Humanities Review 49.4Unversity of Utah, (1995): 323-329. [Gateway.cgi]
  41. S ARAVAMUDAN. "Trop(icaliz)ing the Enlightenment: Raynal’s Histoire des deux Indes." DIACRITICS-A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM 23.3 (Fall, 1993): 48-68.  special edition on French colonialism [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  42. S Aravamudan. "Deconstruction, Soma-significance and the Implicate Order: David Bohm and Jacques Derrida." manualThe Search for Meaning: The New Spirit in Science and Philosophy. Ed. P Pylkkanen. Crucible, (December, 1989): 238-56. 1989. 238-56.
  43. S ARAVAMUDAN. "Being God’s Postman is No Fun, Yaar: Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses." DIACRITICS-A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM 19.2 (Summer, 1989): 3-20.  Reprinted in M.D. Fletcher, ed. Reading Rushdie, Atlanta: Rodopi, 1995 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]

Book Reviews

  1. S Aravamudan. Review of Simon Gikandi's Slavery and the Culture of Taste.  MLQ (2015).
  2. S Aravamudan. Review of Toby Miller's Blow Up The Humanities.  LA Review fo Books (2012). [-%20article-text-cutpoint]
  3. S Aravamudan. Review of Jean and John Comaroff's Theory From the South: How EuroAmerica is Evolving Toward Africa.  Cultural Anthropology (2012).
  4. S Aravamudan. Review of Ros Ballaster, Fabulous Orients: Fictions of the East in England, 1662-1785.  Modern Language Quarterly 69.2 (Summer, 2008).
  5. S Aravamudan. Garden Variety Queer Studies? Review of Jill Casid, Sowing Empire: Landscape and Colonization.  GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 13.2 (Summer, 2007): 409-12.
  6. S Aravamudan. Review of "Genius in Bondage": Literature of the Early Black Atlantic.  American Literature 75.2 (June, 2003): 427-429. [doi]
  7. S Aravamudan. A Review of Ruth Bernard Yeazell’s Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art and Literature.  Modern Language Quarterly (April, 2003): 130-135.
  8. S Aravamudan. Art Criticism As A Multi-Sited Ethnography: A Review of Beth Fowkes Tobin’s Picturing Imperial Power.  Eighteenth-Century Theory and Interpretation 42.2 (Jan. 2001): 181-84.
  9. S Aravamudan. A Review of Rajan Balachandra’s Under Western Eyes.  Modern Language Quarterly 62 (2001): 74-78.
  10. S Aravamudan. A Review of Rudi C. Bleys’s The Geography of Perversion: Male-to-Male Sexual Behavior Outside the West and the Ethnographic Imagination, 1750-1918.  Journal of Asian Studies 56.4 (Fall, 1997): 1044-47.
  11. S Aravamudan. A Review of Tzvetan Todorov’s The Morals of History.  Modern Language Quarterly 58.3 (Fall, 1997): 361-65.


  1. S. Aravamudan. "Three Hundred Years of the Arabian Nights." (2005). In CD-ROM audio, one of very few talks selected from 2004 Bloomsday Centennial Conference

Articles in a Collection

  1. S Aravamudan. "Three Hundred Years of the Arabian Nights." January, 2016.

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