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Tsitsi E. JajiTsitsi E. Jaji  
Helen L. Bevington Associate Professor of Modern Poetry

Office Location: 304D Allen Building, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: tsitsi.jaji@duke.edu
Web Page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKFh-0woXHY&list=PLgBIp6MpvvCNr6moOHOuN54db_xB3kV_5&index=2

Teaching (Fall, 2024):

  • Aaas 195fs.01, Liberating archives Synopsis
    Friedl bdg 216, MW 03:05 PM-04:20 PM
  • Focus 195fs.17, Special topics in focus Synopsis
    George/geo 02, W 05:00 PM-06:30 PM

Office Hours:

Spring 2024 Semester:

Tuesdays 12:00 - 3:00 pm


Ph.D., Cornell University

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Jaji, T. "Our Readers Write: mediating Africa Poetry's Audiences." Research in African Literatures Indiana University Press, (2020)
  2. Jaji, T. "Trade of Tears: Removal's Resonance in the Black Atlantic." The Acoustics of the Social on Page and Screen. Ed. Aghoro, N. Bloomsbury, 2020. 
  3. Jaji, TE. Mother Tongues Poems. Northwestern University Press, November, 2019. 104 pages pp.  [abs]
  4. Jaji, T. "Zimbabwe in Verse: Anthologizing an Alternative Historiography." New Literary History 50.4Project MUSE, (2019): 609-639. [doi]
  5. Jaji, T. "Bingo Magazine in the Age of Pan-African Festivals." Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art 2018.42-43Duke University Press, (November, 2018): 110-123. [doi]

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