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Marianna TorgovnickMarianna Torgovnick  

Office Location: 302E Allen Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: tor@duke.edu

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Spring 2024 Semester:

By appointment


Ph.D., Columbia University

M.A., Columbia University

B.A., New York University

American Literature
Modern to Contemporary
Postcolonial Literature
British Literature
Marianna Torgovnick writes on the novel and novel theory, film, postcolonialism, modernism, and the twentieth century more generally, and especially on contemporary American culture. Her work is broadlyn interdisciplinary and has been taught in Art History, Anthropology, and Religion courses as well as English, Literature, and Theory. She has published Closure in the Novel (Princeton, 1981), and The Visual Arts, Pictorialism, and the Novel: James, Lawrence, and Woolf (Princeton, 1985), Gone Primitive: Savage Intellects, Modern Lives (Chicago, 1990), and Crossing Ocean Parkway (Chicago, 1994), for which she won an American Book Award, and Primitive Passions: Men, Women, and the Quest for Ecstasy (Knopf, 1997; paperback Chicago, 1998) and The War Complex: World War II in Our Time, about memories and perceptions of the Second War World in the Twenty First Century. She has also written series of articles for general interest publications. Professor Torgovnick currently directs The Duke in New York Arts and Media Program, taught in New York. She returns to teach America Dreams American Movies to a large enrollment each year. For more information, visit her website www.mariannatorgovnick.com

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Torgovnick, M. "Me Thiele, You Tarzan." Enchanted by Cinema: Wilhelm Thiele between Vienna, Berlin, and Hollywood.  2024. 184-198.
  2. McLeod, A. "Tenderness." D.H. Lawrence Review  (2023)
  3. Torgovnick, M. "Bomb and Climate Change in Fact and Fiction." New American Studies Journal 73Universitatsverlag Gottingen, (December, 2022) [doi]  [abs]
  4. Torgovnick, MDM. Crossing Back Books, Family, and Memory without Pain. Fordham University Press, September, 2021. 138 pages pp.  [abs]
  5. Torgovnick, M. "Recipe for Memory." Los Angeles Review of Books Avidly, (September, 2021)

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