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Duke University

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Kelsey Desir  

Kelsey Desir

Email Address: kelsey.desir@duke.edu

Recent Publications

  1. Sussman, C; Landels, T; Bradley, I; Desir, K; Glass, G; Lewis-Meeks, A; Harwell, J, “Died a small boy”: Re-Centering the Human in Geospatial Data from the Middle Passage, Archipelagos, vol. 7 (May, 2023), Columbia University Libraries .


Kelsey Desir is a Ph.D. candidate in the Duke English Department. Her research centers on 20th-century to contemporary African American and African Diasporic literature. She is currently finishing a dissertation in which she uses Black feminist theory and interdisciplinary methods to explore the connections between Black women’s wellness and expressive culture.

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