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Research Interests for James W. Applewhite

Research Interests: Creative Writing; Poetry

James Applewhite is the author of Seas and Inland Journeys : Landscape and Consciousness from Wordsworth to Roethke (Georgia, 1985) and seven books of poetry, including River Writing: An Eno Journal (Princeton, 1988), and Daytime and Starlight (LSU, 1997). He has published critical essays on modern American poetry, southern literature, and modernist and postmodernist aesthetics in poetry and visual art.

Areas of Interest:

Creative Writing
20th Century Poetry

Representative Publications
  1. Quartet for Three Voices (2002), Louisiana State UP
  2. On 9-11-01, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 103 no. 1 (Fall, 2003)
  3. Science Fiction Sequence, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 103 no. 1 (Fall, 2003)
  4. Our Cowboy, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 103 no. 1 (Fall, 2003)
  5. Suburban Patriot, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 103 no. 1 (Fall, 2003)

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