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Research Interests for Victor H. Strandberg

Research Interests: American Literature

Victor Strandberg has published The Poetic Vision of Robert Penn Warren (Kentucky, 1977), Religious Psychology in American Literature: The Relevance of William James (Studia Humanitatis, 1981), and A Faulkner Overview: Six Perspectives (Kennikat Press, 1981), together with numerous essays on American literature. His most recent book is Greek Mind/Jewish Soul: The Conflicted Art of Cynthia Ozick (University of Wisconsin Press, 1994). Every sabbatical year he has spent a semester abroad teaching American Literature, as a Fullbright professor at the Universities of Uppsala, Louvain, and Mannheim, and in spring 2001 in the Czech Republic. He has also taught at Kobe College in Japan and in Marrakech, Morocco. His publications are available online via the Duke Libraries.

Areas of Interest:

American Literature
20th Century Literature
Women's Literature
World Literature (Bible, Greek/Roman epic & drama, Hindu lit., European classics from Dante to Tolstoy in translation)
English Composition (Writing)
British Literature (Major authors from Chaucer to Yeats)
William James, T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Robert Penn Warren, John Updike, Cynthia Ozick, Joan Didion, Toni Morrison, Cormac McCarthy et. al.

Recent Publications
  1. Strandberg, V, Robert Penn Warren and Democracy, Literary Matters no. 14.1 (2021)
  2. Strandberg, VH, Adventures in Selfhood: Robert Penn Warren's Portraits of the Artist, Five Points: a journal of literature and art (2018), pp. 208-218
  3. Strandberg, V, Cynthia Ozick and the Christian Reader, in Roots of Passion: Essays on Cynthia Ozick (June, 2016), pp. 37-61, Slote Lumina Press, ISBN 9781625502957 [abs]
  4. Strandberg, VH, Review of three books on Faulkner, Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 35 (February, 2014), pp. 283-86
  5. Strandberg, V, Crackpots on Parade: The Nether Side of Genius & Transgressive Deconstructions (2010) [abs]

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