| Publications [#231028] of Rytas J. Vilgalys
Papers Published
- Peintner, U; Horak, E; Moser, M; Vilgalys, R, Rozites, cuphocybe and rapacea are taxonomic synonyms of cortinarius: new combinations and new names.,
Mycotaxon, vol. 83
(July, 2002),
pp. 447-451
(last updated on 2025/03/07)
Abstract: Results of recent molecular phylogenetic studies using rDNA sequences of ITS and LSU showed that Rozites is nested within Cortinarius and polyphyletic. Rozites spp. were delimited from Cortinarius spp. by having both a membranaceous universal veil and a membranaceous partial veil in the form of a persistent annulus. However, molecular studies suggest that membranaceous veils have independently evolved several times in the genus Cortinarius. Cuphocybe and Rapacea are also nested within Cortinarius, making the latter genus paraphyletic. The morphological delimitation of all these genera is critical: Cuphocybe spp. lack an annulus or cortina, but have pigmented veil fibrils or scales; the monotypic genus Rapacea accommodates a taxon macroscopically resembling Cortinarius spp., but with pale, nearly smooth and thick-walled basidiospores. In order to acknowledge the phylogenetic relationships and the given morphological transitions between these genera and Cortinarius, we recommend synonymizing Rozites, Cuphocybe and Rapacea with Cortinarius, making 16 new combinations and providing 10 new names, which became necessary due to homonyms.