MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts
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MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts : Publications since January 2023

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Dillon, Sheila

  1. Dillon, S, Portraiture in the Greek east in the Roman period: The view from the Athenian Agora, in Comparing Roman Hellenisms in Italy (April, 2023), pp. 278-302, ISBN 9780472133406

Hansen, Mark B.

  1. Hansen, MBN, Prosthesis for Feeling: Intensifying Potentiality through Media, in Anthropologies of Entanglements: Media and Modes of Existence (January, 2023), pp. 97-130, ISBN 9781501375149

Hogan, Wesley

  1. Hogan, W; Mason-Hogans, D; Augusto, G, Learning within freedom movements: using critical oral history methodology, in Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements, edited by Cox, L; Szolucha, A; Arribas Lozano, A; Chattopadhyay, S (January, 2024), pp. 128-143, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781803922010  [abs]

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