| Research Interests for Louise Meintjes
Research Interests: The politics of music production, the intersection of song and dance, voice, the arts and human rights
- Keywords:
- arts and human rights, dance, Dance, Listening, masculinity, Mediation, Music, music and politics, music technology, Performance, Senses and sensation, Sound, South Africa, voice, Voice
- Areas of Interest:
- South Africa
- Representative Publications
- Meintjes, L, Sound of Africa!: Making Music Zulu in a South African Studio
(January, 2003), Duke University Press
- Porcello, T; Meintjes, L; Ochoa, AM; Samuels, DW, The reorganization of the sensory world,
Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 39 no. 1
(October, 2010),
pp. 51-66, ANNUAL REVIEWS, ISSN 0084-6570 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Samuels, DW; Meintjes, L; Ochoa, AM; Porcello, T, Soundscapes: Toward a sounded anthropology,
Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 39 no. 1
(October, 2010),
pp. 329-345, ANNUAL REVIEWS, ISSN 0084-6570 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Meintjes, L, Shoot the Sergeant, Shatter the Mountain: The production of masculinity in Zulu Ngoma Song and Dance in post Apartheid South Africa,
Ethnomusicology Forum, vol. 13 no. 2
pp. 173-201 (Also appears as ”Maten al soldado: música y negociación de conflicto en Sudáfrica” translated by Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier in Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review 10 (2006)..)