- M.T. Ferejohn, Formal Causes: Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought (new title)
(November, 2013), Oxford University Press.
- Ferejohn, MT, Formal Causes: Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought
(November, 2013), Oxford University Press.
- M.T. Ferejohn, The Origins of Aristotelian Science. Yale University Press, 1991.
- Ferejohn, MT, The Origins of Aristotelian Science
(1991), Yale University Press.
Papers Published
- Ferejohn, MT, Logical and Physical Inquiries in Aristotle's Metaphysics,
The Modern Schoolman, vol. LXXX no. 4
pp. 325-350, Philosophy Documentation Center [doi].
- M.T. Ferejohn, Perception and Dialectic in De Anima B5,
in From Puzzles to Principles: Essays on Aristotle’s Dialectic, edited by May Sim
(Fall, 1999), Lexington Books.
- Ferejohn, MT, Matter Definition, and Generation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics,
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, vol. 10
- Ferejohn, MT, The Immediate Premises of Aristotelian Demonstration,
Ancient Philosophy, vol. XIV
- Posy, CJ; Ferejohn, MT, Editors' introduction,
Synthese, vol. 96 no. 3
(September, 1993),
pp. 333-334 [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Plato and Aristotle on Negative Predication and Semantic Fragmentation,
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. 71 no. 3
(1989), Walter de Gruyter GmbH [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Meno's Paradox and De Re Knowledge in Aristotle's Theory of Demonstration,
History of Philosophy Quarterly
(April, 1988) (Reprinted in J. Anton and A. Preus (edd.), Aristotle's Ontology: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Volume V SUNY Press, 1991..).
- Ferejohn, MT, Socratic Virtue as the Parts of Itself,
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 44 no. 3
(March, 1984),
pp. 377-388, JSTOR [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Socratic Thought-Experiments and the Unity of Virtue Paradox,
Phronesis, vol. 29 no. 2
pp. 105-122, Brill [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Definition and the Two Stages of Aristotelian Demonstration,
Review of Metaphysics, vol. 36 no. 2
(December, 1982),
pp. 373-395.
- Ferejohn, MT, The Unity of Virtue and the Object of Socratic Inquiry,
Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 20 no. 1
(January, 1982),
pp. 1-21 (Reprinted in T. Irwin, Classical Philosophy: Collected Papers, vol. 2, 1995, Garland Publishing.).
- Ferejohn, MT, Aristotle on Necessary Truth and Logical Priority,
American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 18 no. 4
(October, 1981),
pp. 285-293.
- Ferejohn, MT, Aristotle on Focal Meaning and the Unity of Science,
Phronesis, vol. 25 no. 1-2
pp. 117-128, Brill [doi].
Book Reviews
- Ferejohn, MT, Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought (Oxford 1998),
The Philosophical Review, vol. 111 no. 2
(April, 2002).
- Ferejohn, MT, Of G. Fine, On Ideas: Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s Theory of Forms (Oxford 1993),
Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Ferejohn, MT, Of R. McKirahan, Principle and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science (Princeton 1992),
The Philosophical Review
- Ferejohn, MT, Of B. Aune, Metaphysics: The Elements,
The Philosophical Review
(January, 1988).
- Ferejohn, MT, Of S. Waterlow, Nature, Change, and Agency,
Review of Metaphysics
(December, 1984).
- Ferejohn, MT, Of S. Waterlow, Passage and Possibility,
Canadian Philosophical Reviews
(October, 1984).
Articles and Chapters
- M.T. Ferejohn, Definition in Ancient Logic,
in Ancient Logic, edited by L. Castagnoli
(In Press), Cambridge University Press.
- Ferejohn, MT, The Diagnostic Function of Socratic Definitions,
in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle" Essays in Honour of G. Santas, edited by Anagnostopoulos, G
- Ferejohn, M, Empiricism and the First Principles of Aristotelian Science,
in A Companion to Aristotle
(March, 2009),
pp. 66-80, WILEY-BLACKWELL [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Empiricism and First Principles in Aristotle,
in A Companion to Aristotle, edited by Anagnostopoulos, G
(2009), Blackwell.
- Ferejohn, MT, Knowledge, Recollection, and the Forms in Republic VII,
in The Blackwell Guide to Plato's Republic
(February, 2008),
pp. 214-233, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD [doi].
- Ferejohn, M, Knowledge and the Forms in Plato,
in A Companion to Plato
(November, 2007),
pp. 146-161, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD [doi].
- Ferejohn, MT, Knowledge and the Forms,
in A Companion to Plato, edited by Benson, H
(2007), Blackwell.
- Ferejohn, MT, Knowledge and Recollection in the Middle Books of the Republic,
in The Blackwell Guide to Plato’s Republic, edited by Santas, GX
(2006), Blackwell.
- M.T. Ferejohn, Perception and Dialectic in De Anima B5,
in From Puzzles to Principles: Essays on Aristotle’s Dialectic, edited by May Sim
- Ferejohn, MT, Perception and Dialectic in De Anima B5,
in From Puzzles to Principles: Essays on Aristotle’s Dialectic, edited by Sim, M
- Ferejohn, MT, The Definition of Generated Composites in Aristotle’s Metaphysics,
in Unity and Identity: The Principles of Aristotelian Substance, edited by Charles, D; Gill, ML; Scaltsas, T
(1994), Oxford.