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Publications [#287493] of Owen Flanagan

Duke :: Philosophy :: Faculty :: Owen Flanagan

Articles and Chapters

  1. Flanagan, O, *It Takes a Metaphysics, Raising Virtuous Buddhists*, in *Cultivating Virtue*, edited by Snow, N (2014), Oxford University Press.
    (last updated on 2024/01/01)

    Abstract: Buddhism is an extremely demanding ethic, possibly as demanding as act-utilitarianism. It endorses virtuous dispositions, compassion and loving-kindness, to alleviate the suffering of all sentient beings and to bring well-being in its stead. How does Buddhism inculcate these virtues, if it does? Besides the usual direct instruction, cajoling, carrots and sticks familiar across ethical traditions, Buddhists work to inculcate these virtues by teaching children a metaphysic that involves recognition of one’s ephemerality and one’s dependency on and interconnectedness with all other beings.

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