The first measurement of the three-body photodisintegration of polarized He3 using a circularly polarized photon beam has been performed at incident energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV. This measurement was carried out at the high-intensity γ-ray source located at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. A high-pressure He3 target, polarized via spin exchange optical pumping with alkali metals, was used in the experiment. The spin-dependent double- and single-differential cross sections from 3Heâ- (γâ-,n)pp for laboratory angles varying from 30â̂̃ to 165â̂̃ are presented and compared with state-of-the-art three-body calculations. The data reveal the importance of including the Coulomb interaction between protons in the three-body calculations. © 2014 American Physical Society.
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