G. Edwards, Physical Mechanisms that Govern the Ablation of Biological Tissue,
in Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences., Volume 30: Laser Desorption and Ablation, edited by J.C. Miller and R.F. Haglund. R. Celotta and T. Lucatorto, treatise editors
(January, 1998), Academic Press .
M.L. Copeland, R. J. Maciunas, and G.S. Edwards, Use of the Free-Electron Laser for Metastatic Brain Tumors,
in Neurosurgical Topics: Advanced Techniques in Central Nervous System Metastases, The Anerican Association of Neurological Surgeons, edited by R.J. Maciunas
(January, 1998) .
Papers Published
Aristotelous, AC; Crawford, JM; Edwards, GS; Kiehart, DP; Venakides, S, Mathematical models of dorsal closure.,
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, vol. 137
(September, 2018),
pp. 111-131 [doi] [abs]
Lo, W-C; Madrak, C; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Unified biophysical mechanism for cell-shape oscillations and cell ingression.,
Physical review. E, vol. 97 no. 6-1
(June, 2018),
pp. 062414 [doi] [abs]
Kiehart, DP; Crawford, JM; Aristotelous, A; Venakides, S; Edwards, GS, Cell Sheet Morphogenesis: Dorsal Closure in Drosophila melanogaster as a Model System.,
Annual review of cell and developmental biology, vol. 33
(October, 2017),
pp. 169-202 [doi] [abs]
Lu, H; Sokolow, A; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Quantifying dorsal closure in three dimensions.,
Molecular biology of the cell, vol. 27 no. 25
(December, 2016),
pp. 3948-3955 [doi] [abs]
Lu, H; Sokolow, A; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Remodeling Tissue Interfaces and the Thermodynamics of Zipping during Dorsal Closure in Drosophila.,
Biophysical journal, vol. 109 no. 11
(December, 2015),
pp. 2406-2417 [doi] [abs]
Wells, AR; Zou, RS; Tulu, US; Sokolow, AC; Crawford, JM; Edwards, GS; Kiehart, DP, Complete canthi removal reveals that forces from the amnioserosa alone are sufficient to drive dorsal closure in Drosophila.,
Molecular biology of the cell, vol. 25 no. 22
(November, 2014),
pp. 3552-3568 [doi] [abs]
Adrienne R. Wells, Roger S. Zou, U. Serdar Tulu, Adam C. Sokolow, Janice M. Crawford, Glenn S. Edwards, Daniel P. Kiehart, Complete canthi removal reveals that forces from the amnioserosa are alone sufficient to drive dorsal closure in Drosophila,
Molecular Biology of the Cell
(September, 2014) .
Sokolow, A; Toyama, Y; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Cell ingression and apical shape oscillations during dorsal closure in Drosophila.,
Biophysical journal, vol. 102 no. 5
(March, 2012),
pp. 969-979 [22404919], [doi] [abs]
Layton, AT; Toyama, Y; Yang, G-Q; Edwards, GS; Kiehart, DP; Venakides, S, Drosophila morphogenesis: tissue force laws and the modeling of dorsal closure.,
HFSP journal, vol. 3 no. 6
(December, 2009),
pp. 441-460 [20514134], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS, Mechanisms for soft-tissue ablation and the development of alternative medical lasers based on investigations with mid-infrared free-electron lasers,
Laser and Photonics Reviews, vol. 3 no. 6
(November, 2009),
pp. 545-555, WILEY [doi] [abs]
Wagner, W; Sokolow, A; Pearlstein, R; Edwards, G, Thermal vapor bubble and pressure dynamics during infrared laser ablation of tissue,
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94 no. 1
(January, 2009),
pp. 013901-013901, AIP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Bush, WD; Garguilo, J; Zucca, FA; Bellei, C; Nemanich, RJ; Edwards, GS; Zecca, L; Simon, JD, Neuromelanins isolated from different regions of the human brain exhibit a common surface photoionization threshold.,
Photochemistry and photobiology, vol. 85 no. 1
(January, 2009),
pp. 387-390 [19067944], [doi] [abs]
Layton, AT; Toyama, Y; Yang, G-Q; Edwards, GS; Kiehart, DP; Venakides, S, Drosophila Morphogenesis: Tissue Force Laws and the Modeling of Dorsal Closure,
Human Frontier Science Program Journal, vol. 3 no. 6
pp. doi:10.2976/1.3266062 [20514134], [doi] [abs]
Wagner, W; Sokolow, A; Pearlstein, R; Edwards, G, Thermal Vapor Bubble and Pressure Dynamics During Infrared Laser Ablation of Tissue,
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94 no. 013901
(2009) [doi] [abs]
Toyama, Y; Peralta, XG; Wells, AR; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Apoptotic force and tissue dynamics during Drosophila embryogenesis.,
Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 321 no. 5896
(September, 2008),
pp. 1683-1686 [18802000], [doi] [abs]
Rodriguez-Diaz, A; Toyama, Y; Abravanel, DL; Wiemann, JM; Wells, AR; Tulu, US; Edwards, GS; Kiehart, DP, Actomyosin purse strings: renewable resources that make morphogenesis robust and resilient.,
HFSP journal, vol. 2 no. 4
(August, 2008),
pp. 220-237 [19404432], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Wagner, W; Sokolow, A; Pearlstein, R, Pressure (mechanical) effects in infrared tissue ablation,
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6854
(April, 2008),
pp. 685410, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Peralta, XG; Toyama, Y; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Emergent properties during dorsal closure in Drosophila morphogenesis.,
Physical biology, vol. 5 no. 1
(April, 2008),
pp. 015004 [18403825], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Pearlstein, RD; Copeland, ML; Hutson, MS; Latone, K; Spiro, A; Pasmanik, G, 6450 nm wavelength tissue ablation using a nanosecond laser based on difference frequency mixing and stimulated Raman scattering.,
Opt Lett, vol. 32 no. 11
(June, 2007),
pp. 1426-1428 [17546143], [doi] [abs]
Garguilo, J; Hong, L; Edwards, GS; Nemanich, RJ; Simon, JD, The surface oxidation potential of melanosomes measured by free electron laser-photoelectron emission microscopy.,
Photochemistry and photobiology, vol. 83 no. 3
(May, 2007),
pp. 692-697 [doi] [abs]
Peralta, XG; Toyama, Y; Hutson, MS; Montague, R; Venakides, S; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Upregulation of forces and morphogenic asymmetries in dorsal closure during Drosophila development.,
Biophysical journal, vol. 92 no. 7
(April, 2007),
pp. 2583-2596 [17218455], [doi] [abs]
Kim, Y; Gustavsson, J; Wang, P; Swift, G; Emamian, M; Hartman, S; Wallace, P; Edwards, G, The mark-III FEL facility at duke university,
23rd International Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2006 - Proceedings
(December, 2006),
pp. 394-396 [abs]
Kim, Y; Gustavsson, J; Wang, P; Swift, G; Emamian, M; Hartman, S; Wallace, P; Edwards, G, Commissioning of S-band RF gun and linac for the mark-III FEL facility at Duke University,
28th International Free Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2006
(December, 2006),
pp. 411-414 [abs]
Kiehart, DP; Tokutake, Y; Chang, MS; Hutson, MS; Wiemann, J; Peralta, XG; Toyama, Y; Wells, AR; Rodriguez, A; Edwards, GS, Ultraviolet Laser Microbeam for Dissection of Drosophila Embryos,
in Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 3rd edition, edited by J.E. Celis, vol. 3
(December, 2006),
pp. 87-103, Elsevier [doi] [abs]
Hong, L; Garguilo, J; Anzaldi, L; Edwards, GS; Nemanich, RJ; Simon, JD, Age-dependent photoionization thresholds of melanosomes and lipofuscin isolated from human retinal pigment epithelium cells.,
Photochemistry and photobiology, vol. 82 no. 6
(November, 2006),
pp. 1475-1481 [16696595], [doi] [abs]
Bush, WD; Garguilo, J; Zucca, FA; Albertini, A; Zecca, L; Edwards, GS; Nemanich, RJ; Simon, JD, The surface oxidation potential of human neuromelanin reveals a spherical architecture with a pheomelanin core and a eumelanin surface.,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 103 no. 40
(October, 2006),
pp. 14785-14789 [17001010], [doi] [abs]
Ye, T; Hong, L; Garguilo, J; Pawlak, A; Edwards, GS; Nemanich, RJ; Sarna, T; Simon, JD, Photoionization thresholds of melanins obtained from free electron laser-photoelectron emission microscopy, femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements of oxygen photoconsumption.,
Photochemistry and photobiology, vol. 82 no. 3
(May, 2006),
pp. 733-737 [16542109], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS, Applications of free-electron lasers to the biological and physical sciences,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 5725
(July, 2005),
pp. 210-219, SPIE [doi] [abs]
M.S. Hutson and G.S. Edwards, Advances in the Physical Understanding of Laser Surgery at 6.45 Microns, Joint Accelerator Conferences Website,
Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerator and Beams
(2005) .
Samokhvalov, A; Hong, L; Liu, Y; Garguilo, J; Nemanich, RJ; Edwards, GS; Simon, JD, Oxidation Potentials of Human Eumelanosomes and Pheomelanosomes,
Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 81 no. 1
pp. 145-148 [15458368], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Allen, SJ; Haglund, RF; Nemanich, RJ; Redlich, B; Simon, JD; Yang, WC, Applications of Free-Electron Lasers in the Biological and Materials Sciences,
Invited Review, Photochemistry and Photobiology., vol. 81 no. 4
pp. 711-735 [15755193], [doi] [abs]
E.D. Jansen, M. Copeland, G.S. Edwards, W. Gabella, K. Joos, M.A. Mackanos, J.H. Shen, and S.R. Uhlhorn, Therapeutic Applications of Free-Electron Lasers,
in Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications, edited by Colin Webb and Julian Jones
(2004), Institute of Physics Publishing .
Samokhvalov, A; Garguilo, J; Yang, WC; Edwards, GS; Nemanich, RJ; Simon, JD, Photoionization Threshold of Eumelanosomes Determined Using UV Free Electron Laser-Photoelectron Emission Microscopy,
J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 108 no. 42
pp. 16334, American Chemical Society (ACS) [doi] [abs]
Sobol, E; Sviridov, A; Kitai, M; Bagratashvili, V; Gilligan, J; Edwards, G, Laser-induced alterations of the Infrared light absorption by biological tissues: Radiometric and spectroscopic measurements,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4829 II
(December, 2003),
pp. 1030-1031, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Hutson, MS, Advantage of the Mark-III FEL for biophysical research and biomedical applications.,
Journal of synchrotron radiation, vol. 10 no. Pt 5
(September, 2003),
pp. 354-357 [12944619], [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Austin, RH; Carroll, FE; Copeland, ML; Couprie, ME; Gabella, WE; Huglund, RF; Hooper, BA; Hutson, MS; Jansen, ED; Joos, KM; Kiehart, DP; Lindau, I; Miao, J; Pratisto, HS; Shen, JH; Tokutake, Y; Van der Meer, AFG; Xie, A, Free-electron-laser-based biophysical and biomedical instrumentation,
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 74 no. 7
(July, 2003),
pp. 3207-3245, AIP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Sobol, EN; Sviridov, AP; Kitai, MS; Edwards, GS, Temperature alterations of infrared light absorption by cartilage and cornea under free-electron laser radiation.,
Applied optics, vol. 42 no. 13
(May, 2003),
pp. 2443-2449 [doi] [abs]
Hutson, MS; Tokutake, Y; Chang, M-S; Bloor, JW; Venakides, S; Kiehart, DP; Edwards, GS, Forces for morphogenesis investigated with laser microsurgery and quantitative modeling.,
Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 300 no. 5616
(April, 2003),
pp. 145-149 [12574496], [doi] [abs]
Sobol, E; Sviridov, A; Kitai, M; Gilligan, JM; Tolk, NH; Edwards, GS, Time-resolved, light scattering measurements of cartilage and cornea denaturation due to free electron laser radiation.,
Journal of biomedical optics, vol. 8 no. 2
(April, 2003),
pp. 216-222 [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Austin, RH; Carroll, FE; Copeland, ML; Couprie, ME; Gabella, WE; Haglund, RF; Hooper, BA; Hutson, MS; Jansen, ED; Joos, KM; Kiehart, DP; Lindau, I; Miao, J; Pratisto, HS; Shen, JH; Tokutake, Y; van Der Meer, L; Xie, A, FEL-based biophysical and biomedical instrumentation,
Invited paper, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 74 no. 7
pp. 3207-3245 .
Sobol, E; Sviridov, A; Kitai, M; Gilligan, J; Tolk, N; Edwards, G, Time-resolved, light scattering measurements of cartilage and cornea denaturation due to FEL radiation: effect of infrared wavelength,
Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol. 8 no. 2
(Spring, 2003),
pp. 216-222 [doi] [abs]
Hutson, MS; Hauger, SA; Edwards, G, Thermal diffusion and chemical kinetics in laminar biomaterial due to heating by a free-electron laser.,
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, vol. 65 no. 6 Pt 1
(June, 2002),
pp. 061906 [doi] [abs]
Hutson, MS; Palmer, RA; Chang, MS; Gillikin, A; Litvinenko, V; Edwards, G, Commissioning of a UV/time-resolved-FTIR beamline at the Duke FEL laboratory,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 483 no. 1-2
(May, 2002),
pp. 560-564, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Neev, J; Ostendorf, A; Sutherland, JC, Erratum: (Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free-Electron Lasers (23-24 January 2002)),
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4633
(January, 2002),
pp. 243-244 .
Hutson, MS; Palmer, RA; Gillikin, A; Chang, MS; Litvinenko, VN; Edwards, GS, UV/time-resolved FTIR beamline at the Duke FEL Laboratory,
in Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free Electron Lasers, Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by Glenn S. Edwards, Joseph Neev, Andreas Ostendorf, and John Sutherland,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4633
(January, 2002),
pp. 225-232, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Shane Hutson, M; Hauger, S; Kozub, J; Shen, J; Shieh, C; Topadze, K; Joos, K, Comparison of OPA and Mark-III FEL for tissue ablation at 6.45 microns,
in Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free Electron Lasers, edited by Glenn S. Edwards, Joseph Neev, Andreas Ostendorf, and John Sutherland,
Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4633
(January, 2002),
pp. 194-200, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Edwards, GS; Shane Hutson, M; Hauger, S, Heat diffusion and chemical kinetics in Mark-III FEL tissue ablation,
in Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast and Free Electron Lasers, edited by Glenn S. Edwards, Joseph Neev, Andreas Ostendorf, and John Sutherland,
Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4633
(January, 2002),
pp. 184-193, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Pinayev, I; Emamian, M; Gustavsson, J; Litvinenko, VN; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Rathbone, V; Swift, G; Wang, P; Edwards, G, Status of Mark III FEL,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2725-2726 [abs]
Wang, P; Litvinenko, V; Emamian, M; Faircloth, J; Gustavsson, J; Hartman, S; Mikhailov, S; Morcombe, P; Oakeley, O; Patterson, J; Pentico, M; Pinayev, I; Shevchenko, O; Swift, G; Edwards, G, Status report on the Duke FEL facility,
Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 4
(December, 2001),
pp. 2819-2820 [abs]
Shen, JH; Harrington, JA; Edwards, GS; Joos, KM, Hollow-glass waveguide delivery of an infrared free-electron laser for microsurgical applications.,
Applied optics, vol. 40 no. 4
(February, 2001),
pp. 583-587 [doi] [abs]
E.J. Swift, Jr., G.S. Edwards, J. Perdigao, J.Y. Thompson, M.F. Nunes, D.E. Ruddell, and A. Negishi, Free-electron laser etching of dental enamel,
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 29
(January, 2001),
pp. 347-353 .
Swift Jr, EJ; Edwards, GS; Perdigao, J; Thompson, JY; F>Nunes, M; Ruddell, DE; Negishi, A, Free-electron laser etching of dental enamel,
Journal of Dentistry, vol. 29 no. 5
pp. 347-353 [doi] [abs]
E.N. Sobol, A.P. Sviridov, M.S. Kitai, J. Gilligan, and G.S. Edwards, Alterations of absorption coefficient of tissue water as a result of the heating under the IR FEL radiation with different wavelengths,
International Biomedical Optics Symposium, SPIE, vol. 3925
(January, 2000),
pp. 78 .
Edwards, G; Fowler, C; Hutson, S; Litvinenko, V; Palmer, R; Roberts, B, Light source capabilities and applications research at the Duke FEL laboratory, edited by Glenn S. Edwards and John C. Sutherland,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3925
(January, 2000),
pp. 106-116 [abs]
Sobol, E; Sviridov, A; Kitai, M; Gilligan, J; Edwards, G, Alterations of absorption coefficients of tissue water as a result of the heating under the IR FEL radiation with different wavelengths,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3925
(January, 2000),
pp. 78-88 [abs]
Palmer, RA; Smith, GD; Litvinenko, VN; Edwards, G, Fourier transform infrared picosecond time-resolved spectroscopy with a UV free electron laser pump and synchrotron IR probe,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3775
(December, 1999),
pp. 137-144, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Sobol, E; Sviridov, A; Kitai, M; Gilligan, J; Tolk, NH; Edwards, G, Effect of wavelength on threshold and kinetics of tissue denaturation under laser radiation,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3601
(January, 1999),
pp. 122-129 [doi] [abs]
Keay, B; Mendenhall, M; Edwards, G, Time-resolved infrared transmittance and reflectance of a propagating melt in gaas,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 60 no. 15
(January, 1999),
pp. 10898-10902, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Shen, JH; Joos, KM; Harrington, JA; O'Day, DM; Edwards, GS, Hollow waveguide delivered infrared free electron laser for microsurgical applications,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3262
(December, 1998),
pp. 130-134, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Engh, D; Kozub, J; Williams, R, Infrared dynamics of collagen, microtubules, and water: Biophysical research enabling biomedical FEL applications,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 144 no. 1-4
(September, 1998),
pp. 260-264, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G, 10. Physical Mechanisms Governing the Ablation of Biological Tissue,
Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, vol. 30 no. C
(December, 1997),
pp. 449-473, Elsevier [doi] .
Shen, JH; Joos, KM; Shetlar, DJ; Robinson, RD; Thind, GK; Edwards, GS; O'Day, DM, Cultured human cornea healing process after free electron laser ablation,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2971
(December, 1997),
pp. 83-88, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Wagner, K; Keyes, E; Kephart, TW; Edwards, G, Analytical Debye-Huckel model for electrostatic potentials around dissolved DNA.,
Biophysical journal, vol. 73 no. 1
(July, 1997),
pp. 21-30 [doi] [abs]
Shen, JH; Loos, KJ; Shetlar, DJ; Robinson, RD; Oday, DM; Edwards, GS, Investigation of a clinical intraocular microsurgical device using the infrared free electron laser,
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 38 no. 4
(March, 1997),
pp. 418-418 [abs]
Robinson, RD; Shen, JH; Joos, KM; Shetlar, DJ; Edwards, GS; Oday, DM, Healing of cultured human cornea after free electron laser ablation,
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 38 no. 4
(March, 1997),
pp. 1916-1916 [abs]
Shen, JH; Joos, KJ; O'Day, DM; Edwards, GS, Investigation of clinical internal microsurgical device with use of hollow waveguide delivered infrared free electron laser,
Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, vol. 11
(January, 1997),
pp. 151-152 [abs]
Hochberg, D; Edwards, G; Kephart, TW, Representing structural information of helical charge distributions in cylindrical coordinates,
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 55 no. 3
(January, 1997),
pp. 3765-3768, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Tribble, J; Lamb, DC; Reinisch, L; Edwards, G, Dynamics of gelatin ablation due to free-electron-laser irradiation,
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 55 no. 6
(January, 1997),
pp. 7385-7389, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Robinson, RD; Shen, JH; Joos, KM; Shetlar, DJ; Edwards, GS; O'Day, DM, Healing of cultured human cornea after free electron laser ablation,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 38 no. 4
pp. S406 [abs]
Shen, JH; Joos, KJ; Shetlar, DJ; Robinson, RD; O'Day, DM; Edwards, GS, Investigation of a clinical intraocular microsurgical device using the infrared free electron laser,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 38 no. 4
pp. S86 [abs]
Edwards, GS; Evertson, D; Gabella, W; Grant, R; King, TL; Kozub, J; Mendenhall, M; Shen, J; Shores, R; Storms, S; Traeger, RH, Free-electron lasers: Reliability, performance, and beam delivery,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 2 no. 4
(December, 1996),
pp. 810-816, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs]
Joos, KM; Shen, JH; Edwards, GS; Shetlar, DJ; Khoury, JM; Robinson, RD, Infrared free electron laser-tissue interactions with human ocular tissues,
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 37 no. 3
(February, 1996),
pp. S431 [abs]
Joos, KM; Shen, JH; Edwards, GS; Shetlar, DJ; Khoury, JM; Robinson, RD, Infrared free electron laser-tissue interactions with human,
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 37 no. 3
(February, 1996),
pp. 1985-1985 .
Joos, KMMD; Edwards, GS; Shen, JH; Shetlar, D; Robinson, R; O'Day, DMD, Free Electron Laser (FEL) laser-tissue interaction with human cornea and optic nerve,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2673
(January, 1996),
pp. 89-92 [abs]
Harris, DM; Reinisch, L; Edwards, GS; Yessik, MJ; Ashrafi, S; Santos-Sacchi, J, Midinfrared ablation of dentin with the Vanderbilt FEL,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2672
(January, 1996),
pp. 165-175 [doi] [abs]
Johnson, JB; Becker, K; Edwards, G, Pressure corrections for CoCl2 as a thermometer in an analytic ultracentrifuge.,
Analytical biochemistry, vol. 227 no. 2
(May, 1995),
pp. 385-387 [doi] .
Zhang, MZ; Edwards, GS; Reinisch, L; Vasagrande, VA; Mckanna, JA, Microglial responses to free-electron laser incisions in rat-brain,
Faseb Journal, vol. 9 no. 3
(March, 1995),
pp. A382-A382 .
Edwards, GS, Biomedical and potential clinical applications for pulsed lasers operating near 6.45 um,
Optical Engineering, vol. 34 no. 5
(January, 1995),
pp. 1524-1525, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [doi] [abs]
Johnson, JB; Edwards, G; Mendenhall, M, Low-cost, high-performance array detector for spectroscopy based on a charge-coupled photodiode,
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 65 no. 5
(December, 1994),
pp. 1782-1783, AIP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Becker, K; Johnson, JB; Edwards, G, Broadband Pockels cell and driver for a Mark III-type free electron laser,
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 65 no. 5
(December, 1994),
pp. 1496-1501, AIP Publishing [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Logan, R; Copeland, M; Reinisch, L; Davidson, J; Johnson, B; Maciunas, R; Mendenhall, M; Ossoff, R; Tribble, J, Tissue ablation by a free-electron laser tuned to the amide II band.,
Nature, vol. 371 no. 6496
(September, 1994),
pp. 416-419 [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Tribble, J; Bruce Johnson, J, Partitioning-of-energy model for laser ablation of tissue,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2134
(August, 1994),
pp. 134-143 [doi] [abs]
Mu, R; Henderson, DO; Johnson, JB; Edwards, GS, Pulsed JR-FEL applications for the characterization of infrared optical materials,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2138
(July, 1994),
pp. 97-106 [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Logan, R; Copeland, M; Reinisch, L; Davidson, J; Johnson, B; MacIunas, R; Mendenhall, M; Ossoff, R; Tribble, J; Werkhaven, J; O'Day, D, Two years of free-electron laser applications research in biological physics,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2138
(July, 1994),
pp. 35-40 [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Hochberg, D; Kephart, TW, Structure in the electric potential emanating from DNA,
Physical Review E, vol. 50 no. 2
(January, 1994),
pp. R698-R701, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Hochberg, D; Kephart, TW; Edwards, G, Structural information in the local electric field of dissolved B-DNA,
Physical Review E, vol. 49 no. 1
(January, 1994),
pp. 851-867, American Physical Society (APS) [doi] [abs]
Henderson, DO; Mu, R; Silberman, E; Johnson, JB; Edwards, GS, FEL investigations of energy transfer in condensed phase systems,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1854
(December, 1993),
pp. 105-116 [abs]
Edwards, GS; Johnson, B; Kozub, J; Tribble, J; Wagner, K, Biomedical applications of free-electron lasers,
Optical Engineering, vol. 32 no. 2
(February, 1993),
pp. 314-319 .
Edwards, G; Johnson, B; Kozub, J; Tribble, J; Wagner, K, Applications of free-electron lasers to measurements of energy transfer in biopolymers and materials,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1646
(August, 1992),
pp. 13-23, SPIE [doi] [abs]
Tribble, J; Kozub, J; Aly, A; Ossoff, R; Edwards, G, Role of immersion refractometry for investigating laser-induced effects in cells.,
Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 12 no. 4
(January, 1992),
pp. 459-463 [doi] [abs]
Edwards, G; Ying, G; Tribble, J, Role of counterions in the gigahertz relaxation of wet DNA,
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Tolk, NH; Brau, CA; Edwards, GS; Margaritondo, G; McKinley, JT, The vanderbilt free-electron laser center for biomedical and materials research,
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1552
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Edwards, G; Liu, C, Sequence dependence of low-frequency Raman-active modes in nucleic acids,
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Young, L; Prabhu, VV; Prohofsky, EW; Edwards, GS, Prediction of modes with dominant base roll and propeller twist in B-DNA poly(dA)-poly(dT),
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Powell, JW; Edwards, GS; Genzel, L; Kremer, F; Wittlin, A; Kubasek, W; Peticolas, W, Investigation of far-infrared vibrational modes in polynucleotides,
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Davis, CC; Edwards, GS; Swicord, ML; Sagripanti, J; Saffer, J, Direct excitation of internal modes of DNA by microwaves,
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Edwards, GS; Davis, CC; Saffer, JD; Swicord, ML, Microwave-field-driven acoustic modes in DNA.,
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Edwards, GS; Davis, CC; Saffer, JD; Swicord, ML, Resonant microwave absorption of selected DNA molecules,
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Papers Submitted
with Shape changes of cytoskeletal actin filaments,
Biophysical Journal
(2019) [abs]
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