Publications [#304578] of Calvin R. Howell
Papers Published
Madey, R; Semenov, AY; Taylor, S; Plaster, B; Aghalaryan, A; Crouse, E; MacLachlan, G; Tajima, S; Tireman, W; Yan, C; Ahmidouch, A; Anderson, BD; Arenhövel, H; Asaturyan, R; Baker, OK; Baldwin, AR; Barkhuff, D; Breuer, H; Carlini, R; Christy, E; Churchwell, S; Cole, L; Danagoulian, S; Day, D; Eden, T; Elaasar, M; Ent, R; Farkhondeh, M; Fenker, H; Finn, JM; Gan, L; Garrow, K; Gasparian, A; Gueye, P; Howell, CR; Hu, B; Jones, MK; Kelly, JJ; Keppel, C; Khandaker, M; Kim, WY; Kowalski, S; Lai, A; Lung, A; Mack, D; Manley, DM; Markowitz, P; Mitchell, J; Mkrtchyan, H; Opper, AK; Perdrisat, C; Punjabi, V; Raue, B; Reichelt, T; Reinhold, J; Roche, J; Sato, Y; Savvinov, N; Semenova, IA; Seo, W; Simicevic, N; Smith, G; Stepanyan, S; Tadevosyan, V; Tang, L; Ulmer, PE; Vulcan, W; Watson, JW; Wells, S; Wesselmann, F; Wood, S; Yang, S; Yuan, L; Zhang, WM; Zhu, H; Zhu, X, Measurements of GEn/GMn from the 2H(e→, e′n→)1H Reaction to Q2 = 1.45 (GeV/c)2,
Physical Review Letters, vol. 91 no. 12
pp. 1220021-1220025 [doi] .
The measurements of GEn/GMn obtained via recoil polarimetry from the quasielastic 2H(e→,e′n→)1H reaction at three central Q2 values of 0.45, 1.15 and 1.47 (GeV/c)2 were reported. A beam of longitudinally polarized electrons was found to scatter quasielastically from a neutron in a 15-cm liquid deuterium target. A scattered electron was detected in the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) in coincidence with the recoil neutron.
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