Publications [#246517] of Henry Greenside

Papers Published
  1. Zweben, SJ; Manos, D; Budny, RV; Efthimion, P; Fredrickson, E; Greenside, H; Hill, KW; Hiroe, S; Kilpatrick, S; McGuire, K; Medley, SS; Park, HK; Ramsey, AT; Wilgen, J, Edge turbulence measurements in TFTR, Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 145-147 no. C (February, 1987), pp. 250-254, Elsevier BV [doi] .

    The edge turbulence in TFTR is characterized by several diagnostics. Langmuir probes and D-alpha imaging have detected large amplitude, small-scale, broadband density fluctuations in the scrape-off region near the wall. Broadband fluctuations with a similar frequency spectrum are detected by small-angle microwave scattering and magnetic pickup loops. Increases in the turbulence level are seen during neutral beam injection. Some preliminary analysis of this data is presented. © 1987.

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