Publications [#248508] of John E. Thomas

Papers Published
  1. Kinast, J; Turlapov, A; Thomas, JE, Optically trapped Fermi gases model strong interactions in nature, Optics and Photonics News, vol. 16 no. 12 SPEC. ISS. (December, 2005), pp. 21, The Optical Society [doi] .

    Strongly interacting Fermi gases are produced in an optical trap, by using a magnetic field to tune them to a collisional resonance. In this regime, the gas exhibits remarkable properties, such as highly anisotropic expansion, universal thermodynamics, and high-temperature superfluidity. An amazing similarity between the elliptic flow observed in experiments at RHIC and the anisotropic expansion of an ultracold, strongly interacting Fermi gas of 6Li atoms at temperatures 20 orders of magnitude colder was also noticed. These fermi gases permit studies of hydrodynamic flow over a wide range of temperatures, including both superfluid and strongly collisional regimes.

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