Publications [#303756] of John E. Thomas

Papers Published
  1. O’hara, KM; Granade, SR; Gehm, ME; Savard, TA; Bali, S; Freed, C; Thomas, JE, Ultrastable CO2laser trapping of lithium fermions, Physical Review Letters, vol. 82 no. 21 (January, 1999), pp. 4204-4207, American Physical Society (APS) [0003049v1], [doi] .

    We demonstrate an ultrastable CO2laser trap that provides tight confinement of neutral atoms with negligible optical scattering and minimal laser-noise-induced heating. Using this method, fermionic6Li atoms are stored in a 0.4 mK deep well with a 1/e trap lifetime of 300 sec, consistent with a background pressure of 10-11Torr. To our knowledge, this is the longest storage time ever achieved with an all-optical trap, comparable to the best reported magnetic traps. © 1999 The American Physical Society.

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