Publications [#225691] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. Guiseppe, VE; Aalseth, CE; Akashi-Ronquest, M; Amman, M; Amsbaugh, JF; Avignone, FT; Back, HO; Barabash, AS; Barbeau, P; Beene, JR; Bergevin, M; Bertrand, FE; Boswell, M; Brudanin, V; Bugg, W; Burritt, TH; Chan, VD; Cianciolo, TV; Collar, J; Creswick, R; Cromaz, M; Detwiler, JA; Doe, PJ; Dunmore, JA; Efremenko, Y; Egorov, V; Ejiri, H; Elliott, SR; Ely, J; Esterline, J; Farach, H; Farmer, T; Fast, J; Finnerty, P; Fujikawa, B; Gehman, VM; Greenberg, C; Gusey, K; Hallin, AL; Hazama, R; Henning, R; Hime, A; Hoppe, E; Hossbach, T; Howe, MA; Hurley, D; Hyronimus, B; Johnson, RA; Keeter, KJ; Keillor, M; Keller, C; Kephart, J; Kidd, M; Kochetov, O; Konovalov, SJ; Kouzes, RT; Lesko, KT; Leviner, L; Luke, P; McDonald, AB; MacMullin, S; Marino, MG; Mei, DM; Miley, HS; Myers, AW; Nomachi, M; Odom, B; Orrell, J; Poon, AWP; Prior, G; Radford, DC; Reeves, JH; Rielage, K; Riley, N; Robertson, RGH; Rodriguez, L; Rykaczewski, KP; Schubert, AG; Shima, T; Shirchenko, M; Strain, J; Thompson, R; Timkin, V; Tornow, W; Tull, C; Van Wechel, TD; Vanyushin, I; Varner, RL; Vetter, K; Warner, R; Wilkerson, JF; Wouters, JM; Yakushev, E; Young, AR; Yu, CH; Yumatov, V; Zhang, C, The MAJORANA neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, vol. 2008 (December, 2008), pp. 1793-1798, IEEE [pdf], [doi] .

    Neutrinoless double-beta decay searches play a major role in determining the nature of neutrinos, the existence of a lepton violating process, and the effective Majorana neutrino mass. The MAJORANA Collaboration proposes to assemble an array of HPGe detectors to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 76Ge. Our proposed method uses the weD-established technique of searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in high purity Ge-diode radiation detectors that play both roles of source and detector. The technique is augmented with recent improvements in signal processing and detector design, and advances in controUing intrinsic and external backgrounds. InitiaDy, MAJORANA aims to construct a prototype module containing 60 kg of Ge detectors to demonstrate the potential of a future I-tonne experiment. The design and potential reach of this prototype Demonstrator module wiD be presented. This paper win also discuss detector optimization and low-background requirements, such as material purity, background rejection, and identification of rare backgrounds required to reach the sensitivity goals of the MAJORANA experiment. ©2008 IEEE.

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