Publications [#225694] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. Aalseth, CE; Amman, M; Amsbaugh, F; Avignone, T; Back, O; Barabash, S; Barbeau, S; Beene, R; Bergevin, M; Bertrand, E; Boswell, M; Brudanin, V; Bugg, W; Burritt, H; Busch, M; Capps, G; Y-D Chan; Collar, I; Cooper, J; Creswick, R; Detwiler, A; Doe, J; Efremenko, Y; Egorov, V; Ejiri, H; Elliott, R; Ely, J; Esterline, J; Farach, H; Fast, E; Fields, N; Finnerty, P; Fujikawa, B; Fuller, E; Gehman, M; Giovanetti, K; Guiseppe, VE; Gusey, K; Hallin, L; Hazama, R; Henning, R; Hime, A; Hoppe, W; Hossbach, W; Howe, A; Johnson, A; Keeter, J; Keillor, M; Keller, C; Kephart, D; Kidd, F; Kochetov, O; Konovalov, I; Kouzes, T; Leviner, L; Loach, C; Luke, PN; MacMullin, S; Marino, G; Martin, RD; D-M Mei; Miley, S; Miller, L; Mizouni, L; Montoya, A; Myers, W; Nomachi, M; Orrell, L; Phillips, DG; Poon, P; Prior, G; Qian, J; Radford, C; Rielage, K; Robertson, H; Rodriguez, L; Rykaczewski, P; Schubert, G; Shima, T; Shirchenko, M; Steele, D; Strain, J; Swift, G; Thomas, K; Thompson, R; Timkin, V; Tornow, W; Van Wechel, D; Vanyushin, I; Vetter, K; Warner, R; Wilkerson, F; Wouters, M; Yakushev, E; Young, R; Yu, CH; Yumatov, V; Zhang, C; Zimmerman, S, The MAJORANA Project, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 203 (January, 2010), pp. 012007-012007, IOP Publishing [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .

    The MAJORANA Project, a neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment is described with an emphasis on the choice of Ge-detector configuration. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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