Publications [#339241] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. Awe, C; Barbeau, PS; Collar, JI; Hedges, S; Li, L, Liquid scintillator response to proton recoils in the 10-100 keV range LIQUID SCINTILLATOR RESPONSE to PROTON ⋯ AWE, BARBEAU, COLLAR, HEDGES, and LI, Physical Review C, vol. 98 no. 4 (October, 2018), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] .

    We study the response of EJ-301 liquid scintillator to monochromatic 244.6±8.4 keV neutrons, targeting the 10-100 keV proton recoil energy interval. Limited experimental information exists for proton light yield in this range, for this or any other organic scintillator. Our results confirm the adequacy of a modified Birks' model, common to all organic scintillator formulations, predicting a marked increase in quenching factor as proton energy approaches the few keV regime. The relevance of this behavior within the context of searches for low-mass particle dark matter is mentioned.

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