Publications [#353991] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. Awe, C; Barbeau, P; Haghighat, A; Hedges, S; Johnson, T; Li, S; Link, JM; Mascolino, V; Runge, J; Steenis, J; Subedi, T; Walkup, K, Measurement of Proton Quenching in a Plastic Scintillator Detector (November, 2020) .

    The non-linear energy response of the plastic scintillator EJ-260 is measured with the MicroCHANDLER detector, using neutron beams of energy 5 to 27 MeV at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. The first and second order Birks' constants are extracted from the data, and found to be $k_B = (8.70 \pm 0.93)\times 10^{-3}\ {\rm g/cm^2/MeV}$ and $k_C = (1.42 \pm 1.00) \times 10^{-5}\ {\rm (g/cm^2/MeV)^2}$. This result covers a unique energy range that is of direct relevance for fast neutron backgrounds in reactor inverse beta decay detectors. These measurements will improve the energy non-linearity modeling of plastic scintillator detectors. In particular, the updated energy response model will lead to an improvement of fast neutron modeling for detectors based on the CHANDLER reactor neutrino detector technology.

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