Publications [#360203] of Phillip S. Barbeau
Papers Published
Kharusi, SA; Anton, G; Badhrees, I; Barbeau, PS; Beck, D; Belov, V; Bhatta, T; Breidenbach, M; Brunner, T; Cao, GF; Cen, WR; Chambers, C; Cleveland, B; Coon, M; Craycraft, A; Daniels, T; Darroch, L; Daugherty, SJ; Davis, J; Delaquis, S; Mesrobian-Kabakian, AD; DeVoe, R; Dilling, J; Dolgolenko, A; Dolinski, MJ; Echevers, J; Jr, WF; Fairbank, D; Farine, J; Feyzbakhsh, S; Fierlinger, P; Fudenberg, D; Gautam, P; Gornea, R; Gratta, G; Hall, C; Hansen, EV; Hoessl, J; Hufschmidt, P; Hughes, M; Iverson, A; Jamil, A; Jessiman, C; Jewell, MJ; Johnson, A; Karelin, A; Kaufman, LJ; Koffas, T; ucken, RK; Kuchenkov, A; Kumar, KS; Lan, Y; Larson, A; Lenardo, BG; Leonard, DS; Li, GS; Li, S; Li, Z; Licciardi, C; Lin, YH; MacLellan, R; McElroy, T; Michel, T; Mong, B; Moore, DC; Murray, K; Njoya, O; Nusair, O; Odian, A; Ostrovskiy, I; Perna, A; Piepke, A; Pocar, A; Retiere, F; Robinson, AL; Rowson, PC; Rudde, D; Runge, J; Schmidt, S; Sinclair, D; Skarpaas, K; Soma, AK; Stekhanov, V; Tarka, M; Thibado, S; Todd, J; Tolba, T; Totev, TI; Tsang, R; Veenstra, B; Veeraraghavan, V; Vogel, P; Vuilleumier, J-L; Wagenpfeil, M; Watkins, J; Weber, M; Wen, LJ; Wichoski, U; Wrede, G; Wu, SX; Xia, Q; Yahne, DR; Yang, L; Yen, Y-R; Zeldovich, OY; Ziegler, T, Search for Majoron-emitting modes of $^{136}$Xe double beta decay with
the complete EXO-200 dataset,
Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 104 no. 11
(September, 2021),
pp. 112002, American Physical Society .
A search for Majoron-emitting modes of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of
$^{136}$Xe is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset. This dataset consists of
a total $^{136}$Xe exposure of 234.1 kg$\cdot$yr, and includes data with
detector upgrades that have improved the energy threshold relative to previous
searches. A lower limit of T$_{1/2}^{\rm{^{136}Xe}}>$4.3$\cdot$10$^{24}$ yr at
90\% C.L. on the half-life of the spectral index $n=1$ Majoron decay was
obtained, a factor of 3.6 more stringent than the previous limit from EXO-200,
corresponding to a constraint on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant of
$|\langle g_{ee}^{M}\rangle|$$<(0.4$-$0.9)\cdot10^{-5}$. The lower threshold
and the additional data taken resulted in a factor 8.4 improvement for the
$n=7$ mode compared to the previous EXO search. This search provides the most
stringent limits to-date on the Majoron-emitting decays of $^{136}$Xe with
spectral indices $n=1,2,3,$ and 7.
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