Publications [#374565] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. An, P; Awe, C; Barbeau, PS; Becker, B; Belov, V; Bernardi, I; Bock, C; Bolozdynya, A; Bouabid, R; Brown, A; Browning, J; Cabrera-Palmer, B; Cervantes, M; Conley, E; Daughhetee, J; Detwiler, J; Ding, K; Durand, MR; Efremenko, Y; Elliott, SR; Fabris, L; Febbraro, M; Gallo Rosso, A; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Germer, AC; Green, MP; Hakenmüller, J; Heath, MR; Hedges, S; Hughes, M; Johnson, BA; Johnson, T; Khromov, A; Konovalov, A; Kozlova, E; Kumpan, A; Kyzylova, O; Li, L; Link, JM; Liu, J; Mahoney, M; Major, A; Mann, K; Markoff, DM; Mastroberti, J; Mattingly, J; Mueller, PE; Newby, J; Parno, DS; Penttila, SI; Pershey, D; Prior, CG; Rapp, R; Ray, H; Raybern, J; Razuvaeva, O; Reyna, D; Rich, GC; Ross, J; Rudik, D; Runge, J; Salvat, DJ; Sander, J; Scholberg, K; Shakirov, A; Simakov, G; Sinev, G; Skuse, C; Snow, WM; Sosnovtsev, V; Subedi, T; Suh, B; Tayloe, R; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K; Tsai, Y-T; Ujah, E; Vanderwerp, J; van Nieuwenhuizen, EE; Varner, RL; Virtue, CJ; Visser, G; Walkup, K; Ward, EM; Wongjirad, T; Yoo, J; Yu, C-H; Zawada, A; Zettlemoyer, J; Zderic, A, Measurement of Electron-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on ^{127}I with the COHERENT NaIνE Detector., Physical review letters, vol. 131 no. 22 (December, 2023), pp. 221801 [doi] .

    Using an 185-kg NaI[Tl] array, COHERENT has measured the inclusive electron-neutrino charged-current cross section on ^{127}I with pion decay-at-rest neutrinos produced by the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Iodine is one the heaviest targets for which low-energy (≤50  MeV) inelastic neutrino-nucleus processes have been measured, and this is the first measurement of its inclusive cross section. After a five-year detector exposure, COHERENT reports a flux-averaged cross section for electron neutrinos of 9.2_{-1.8}^{+2.1}×10^{-40}  cm^{2}. This corresponds to a value that is ∼41% lower than predicted using the MARLEY event generator with a measured Gamow-Teller strength distribution. In addition, the observed visible spectrum from charged-current scattering on ^{127}I has been measured between 10 and 55 MeV, and the exclusive zero-neutron and one-or-more-neutron emission cross sections are measured to be 5.2_{-3.1}^{+3.4}×10^{-40} and 2.2_{-0.5}^{+0.4}×10^{-40}  cm^{2}, respectively.

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