Publications [#377353] of Phillip S. Barbeau

Papers Published
  1. Barbeau, PS; Belov, V; Bernardi, I; Bock, C; Bolozdynya, A; Bouabid, R; Browning, J; Cabrera-Palmer, B; Conley, E; Da Silva, V; Daughhetee, J; Detwiler, J; Ding, K; Durand, MR; Efremenko, Y; Elliott, SR; Erlandson, A; Fabris, L; Febbraro, M; Galindo-Uribarri, A; Green, MP; Hakenmüller, J; Heath, MR; Hedges, S; Johnson, BA; Johnson, T; Khromov, A; Konovalov, A; Kozlova, E; Kumpan, A; Kyzylova, O; Link, JM; Liu, J; Major, A; Mann, K; Markoff, DM; Mattingly, J; Mueller, PE; Newby, J; Ogoi, N; O'Reilly, J; Parno, DS; Pérez-Loureiro, D; Penttila, SI; Pershey, D; Prior, CG; Queen, J; Rapp, R; Ray, H; Razuvaeva, O; Reyna, D; Rich, GC; Rudik, D; Runge, J; Salvat, DJ; Sander, J; Scholberg, K; Shakirov, A; Simakov, G; Snow, WM; Sosnovtsev, V; Stringer, M; Subedi, T; Suh, B; Sur, B; Tayloe, R; Tellez-Giron-Flores, K; Tsai, YT; Vanderwerp, J; Van Nieuwenhuizen, EE; Varner, RL; Virtue, CJ; Visser, G; Walkup, K; Ward, EM; Wongjirad, T; Yang, Y; Yoo, J; Yu, CH; Zaalishvili, A, Accessing new physics with an undoped, cryogenic CsI CEvNS detector for COHERENT at the SNS, Physical Review D, vol. 109 no. 9 (May, 2024) [doi] .

    We consider the potential for a 10 kg undoped cryogenic CsI detector operating at the Spallation Neutron Source to measure coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and its sensitivity to discover new physics beyond the standard model (BSM). Through a combination of increased event rate, lower threshold, and good timing resolution, such a detector would significantly improve on past measurements. We considered tests of several BSM scenarios such as neutrino nonstandard interactions and accelerator-produced dark matter. This detector's performance was also studied for relevant questions in nuclear physics and neutrino astronomy, namely the weak charge distribution of Cs and I nuclei and detection of neutrinos from a core-collapse supernova.

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