Publications [#248113] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Litos, M; others, Search for Dinucleon Decay into Kaons in Super-Kamiokande, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 112 no. 13 (2014), pp. 131803-131803 [doi] .

    A search for the dinucleon decay pp → K+ K+ has been performed using 91.6  kton·yr data from Super-Kamiokande-I. This decay provides a sensitive probe of the R-parity-violating parameter λ112''. A boosted decision tree analysis found no signal candidates in the data. The expected background was 0.28±0.19 atmospheric neutrino induced events and the estimated signal detection efficiency was 12.6%±3.2%. A lower limit of 1.7×10(32)  years has been placed on the partial lifetime of the decay O16 → C14K+ K+ at 90% C.L. A corresponding upper limit of 7.8×10(-9) has been placed on the parameter λ112''.

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