Publications [#248166] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Smy, MB; Ashie, Y; Fukuda, S; Fukuda, Y; Ishihara, K; Itow, Y; Koshio, Y; Minamino, A; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakahata, M; Namba, T; Nambu, R; Obayashi, Y; Sakurai, N; Shiozawa, M; Suzuki, Y; Takeuchi, H; Takeuchi, Y; Yamada, S; Ishitsuka, M; Kajita, T; Kaneyuki, K; Nakayama, S; Okada, A; Ooyabu, T; Saji, C; Desai, S; Earl, M; Kearns, E; Messier, MD; Stone, JL; Sulak, LR; Walter, CW; Wang, W; Goldhaber, M; Barszczak, T; Casper, D; Gajewski, W; Kropp, WR; Mine, S; Liu, DW; Sobel, HW; Vagins, MR; Gago, A; Ganezer, KS; Hill, J; Keig, WE; Kim, JY; Lim, IT; Ellsworth, RW; Tasaka, S; Kibayashi, A; Learned, JG; Matsuno, S; Takemori, D; Hayato, Y; Ichikawa, AK; Ishii, T; Kameda, J; Kobayashi, T; Maruyama, T; Nakamura, K; Nitta, K; Oyama, Y; Sakuda, M; Totsuka, Y; Yoshida, M; Iwashita, T; Suzuki, AT; Inagaki, T; Kato, I; Nakaya, T; Nishikawa, K; Haines, TJ; Dazeley, S; Hatakeyama, S; Svoboda, R; Blaufuss, E; Goodman, JA; Guillian, G; Sullivan, GW; Turcan, D; Scholberg, K; Habig, A; Ackermann, M; Jung, CK; Kato, T; Kobayashi, K; Martens, K; Malek, M; Mauger, C; McGrew, C; Sharkey, E; Viren, B; Yanagisawa, C; Toshito, T; Mitsuda, C; Miyano, K; Shibata, T, Precise measurement of the solar neutrino day-night and seasonal variation in Super-Kamiokande-I, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 69 no. 1 (January, 2004), pp. 011104, American Physical Society (APS) [pdf], [doi] .

    The time variation of the elastic scattering rate of solar neutrinos with electrons in Super-Kamiokande-I was fit to the variations expected from active two-neutrino oscillations. The best fit in the large mixing angle solution has a mixing angle of [Formula Presented] and a mass squared difference of [Formula Presented] between the two neutrino mass eigenstates. The fitted day-night asymmetry of [Formula Presented] has improved statistical precision over previous measurements and agrees well with the expected asymmetry of [Formula Presented] © 2004 The American Physical Society.

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