Publications [#248225] of Kate Scholberg
Papers Published
Thrane, E; Abe, K; Hayato, Y; Iida, T; Ikeda, M; Kameda, J; Kobayashi, K; Koshio, Y; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakahata, M; Nakayama, S; Obayashi, Y; Ogawa, H; Sekiya, H; Shiozawa, M; Suzuki, Y; Takeda, A; Takenaga, Y; Takeuchi, Y; Ueno, K; Ueshima, K; Watanabe, H; Yamada, S; Vagins, MR; Hazama, S; Higuchi, I; Ishihara, C; Kajita, T; Kaneyuki, K; Mitsuka, G; Nishino, H; Okumura, K; Tanimoto, N; Dufour, F; Kearns, E; Litos, M; Raaf, JL; Stone, JL; Sulak, LR; Goldhaber, M; Bays, K; Casper, D; Cravens, JP; Kropp, WR; Mine, S; Regis, C; Smy, MB; Sobel, HW; Ganezer, KS; Hill, J; Keig, WE; Jang, JS; Jeong, IS; Kim, JY; Lim, IT; Fechner, M; Scholberg, K; Walter, CW; Wendell, R; Tasaka, S; Learned, JG; Matsuno, S; Watanabe, Y; Hasegawa, T; Ishida, T; Ishii, T; Kobayashi, T; Nakadaira, T; Nakamura, K; Nishikawa, K; Oyama, Y; Sakashita, K; Sekiguchi, T; Tsukamoto, T; Suzuki, AT; Ichikawa, AK; Minamino, A; Nakaya, T; Yokoyama, M; Dazeley, S; Svoboda, R; Habig, A; Fukuda, Y; Itow, Y; Tanaka, T; Jung, CK; Lopez, G; McGrew, C; Yanagisawa, C; Tamura, N; Idehara, Y; Ishino, H; Kibayashi, A; Sakuda, M; Kuno, Y; Yoshida, M; Kim, SB; Yang, BS; Ishizuka, T, Search for neutrinos from GRB 080319B at super-kamiokande,
Astrophysical Journal, vol. 697 no. 1
(January, 2009),
pp. 730-734, IOP Publishing [doi] .
We perform a search for neutrinos coincident with GRB 080319B - the brightest GRB observed to date - in a 1000 s window. No statistically significant coincidences were observed and we thereby obtain an upper limit on the fluence of neutrino-induced muons from this source. From this we apply reasonable assumptions to derive a limit on neutrino fluence from the GRB. © 2009. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
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