Publications [#248267] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Aglietta, M; Alessandro, B; Antonioli, P; Arneodo, F; Bergamasco, L; Bertaina, M; Fauth, AC; Castagnoli, C; Castellina, A; Cattadori, C; Chiavassa, A; Cini, G; D'Ettorre Piazzoli, B; Di Sciascio, G; Fulgione, W; Galeotti, P; Ghia, PL; Iacovacci, M; Mannocchi, G; Melagrana, C; Morello, C; Navarra, G; Riccati, L; Saavedra, O; Trinchero, GC; Vallania, P; Vernetto, S; Ahlen, S; Ambrosio, M; Antolini, R; Auriemma, G; Baker, R; Baldini, A; Barbarino, GC; Barish, BC; Battistoni, G; Bellotti, R; Bemporad, C; Bernardini, P; Bilokon, H; Bisi, V; Bloise, C; Bower, C; Bussino, S; Cafagna, F; Calicchio, M; Campana, D; Carboni, M; Cecchini, S; Cei, F; Chiarella, V; Cormack, R; Corona, A; Coutu, S; DeCataldo, G; Dekhissi, H; DeMarzo, C; De Mitri, M; De Vincenzi, M; Di Credico, A; Diehl, E; Erriquez, O; Favuzzi, C; Ficenec, D; Forti, C; Fusco, P; Giacomelli, G; Giannini, G; Giglietto, N; Goretti, M; Grassi, M; Green, P; Grillo, A; Guarino, F; Guarnaccia, P; Gustavino, C; Habig, A; Hanson, K; Heinz, R; Hong, JT; Iarocci, E; Katsavounidis, E; Kearns, E; Klein, S; Kyriazopoulou, S; Lamanna, E; Lane, C; Levin, DS; Lipari, P; Liu, G; Liu, R; Longo, MJ; Lu, Y; Ludlam, G; Mancarella, G; Mandrioli, G; Margiotta-Neri, A; Marin, A; Marini, A; Martello, D, Study of the primary cosmic ray composition around the knee of the energy spectrum, Physics Letters B, vol. 337 no. 3-4 (October, 1994), pp. 376-382, Elsevier BV [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .

    A study of the primary cosmic ray composition in the energy range 5ṡ1014-5ṡ1015 eV is performed through the analysis of the deep underground muons and of the e.m. component of Extensive Air Showers detected in coincidence by the MACRO and EAS-TOP experiments at the Gran Sasso Laboratory. We conclude that: a) pure proton and Iron primary beams are excluded by the experimental data; b) a fraction of nuclei heavier than Helium is necessary to explain the experimental data both below and above the knee; c) a mixed composition, obtained a priori from extrapolations of the spectra directly measured below 100 TeV, yields a reasonable account of the observations up to the knee of the primary spectrum. © 1994.

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