Publications [#248270] of Kate Scholberg
Papers Published
Takeuchi, Y; Okumura, K; Kajita, T; Tasaka, S; Nemoto, M; Fukuda, Y; Okazawa, H; Hayakawa, T; Ishihara, K; Ishino, H; Itow, Y; Kameda, J; Kasuga, S; Kobayashi, K; Kobayashi, Y; Koshio, Y; Miura, M; Nakahata, M; Nakayama, S; Obayashi, Y; Okada, A; Sakurai, N; Shiozawa, M; Suzuki, Y; Takeuchi, H; Totsuka, Y; Yamada, S; Earl, M; Habig, A; Kearns, E; Messier, MD; Scholberg, K; Stone, JL; Sulak, LR; Walter, CW; Goldhaber, M; Barszczak, T; Casper, D; Gajewski, W; Kropp, WR; Mine, S; Price, LR; Smy, M; Sobel, HW; Vagins, MR; Ganezer, KS; Keig, WE; Ellsworth, RW; Kibayashi, A; Learned, JG; Matsuno, S; Stenger, VJ; Takemori, D; Ishii, T; Kanzaki, J; Kobayashi, T; Nakamura, K; Nishikawa, K; Oyama, Y; Sakai, A; Sakuda, M; Sasaki, C; Echigo, S; Kohama, M; Suzuki, AT; Haines, TJ; Blaufuss, E; Kim, BK; Sanford, R; Svoboda, R; Chen, ML; Goodman, JA; Sullivan, GW; Hill, J; Jung, CK; Martens, K; Mauger, C; McGrew, C; Sharkey, E; Viren, B; Yanagisawa, C; Doki, W; Kirisawa, M; Inaba, S; Miyano, K; Saji, C; Takahashi, M; Takahata, M; Higuchi, K; Nagashima, Y; Takita, M; Yamaguchi, T; Yoshida, M; Kim, SB; Etoh, M; Hasegawa, A; Hasegawa, T; Hatakeyama, S; Inoue, K, Measurement of radon concentrations at Super-Kamiokande,
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, vol. 452 no. 3-4
(January, 1999),
pp. 418-424, Elsevier BV [doi] .
Radioactivity from radon is a major background for observing solar neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande. In this paper, we describe the measurement of radon concentrations at Super-Kamiokande, the method of radon reduction, and the radon monitoring system. The measurement shows that the current low-energy event rate between 5.0 MeV and 6.5 MeV implies a radon concentration in the Super-Kamiokande water of less than 1.4 mBq/m3. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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