Publications [#248298] of Kate Scholberg
Papers Published
Ambrosio, M; Antolini, R; Auriemma, G; Baker, R; Baldini, A; Barbarino, GC; Barish, BC; Battistoni, G; Bellotti, R; Bemporad, C; Bernardini, P; Bilokon, H; Bisi, V; Bloise, C; Bower, C; Bussino, S; Cafagna, F; Calicchio, M; Campana, D; Carboni, M; Castellano, M; Cecchini, S; Cei, F; Chiarella, V; Corona, A; Coutu, S; De Cataldo, G; Dekhissi, H; De Marzo, C; De Mitri, I; De Vincenzi, M; Di Credico, A; Erriquez, O; Favuzzi, C; Forti, C; Fusco, P; Giacomelli, G; Giannini, HG; Giglietto, N; Goretti, M; Grassi, M; Grillo, A; Guarino, F; Guarnaccia, P; Gustavino, C; Habig, A; Hanson, K; Hawthorne, A; Heinz, R; Hong, JT; Iarocci, E; Katsavounidis, E; Kearns, E; Kyriazopoulou, S; Lamanna, E; Eane, C; Levin, DS; Lipari, P; Liu, R; Longley, NP; Longo, MJ; Lu, Y; Ludlam, G; Mancarella, G; Mandrioli, G; Margiotta-Neri, A; Marini, A; Martello, D; Marzari-Chiesa, A; Mazziotta, MN; Michael, DG; Mikheyev, S; Miller, L; Mittelbrunn, M; Monacelli, P; Montaruli, T; Monteno, M; Mufson, S; Musser, J; Nicoló, D; Nolty, R; Okada, C; Orth, C; Osteria, G; Palamara, O; Parlati, S; Patera, V; Patrizii, L; Pazzi, R; Peck, CW; Petrera, S; Pignatano, ND; Pistilli, P; Popa, V; Rainó, A; Reynoldson, J; Ronga, F; Rubizzo, U; Sanzgiri, A; Sartogo, F, Performance of the MACRO streamer tube system in the search for magnetic monopoles,
Astroparticle Physics, vol. 4 no. 1
(January, 1995),
pp. 33-43, Elsevier BV [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
We describe the techniques chosen to search tor magnetic monopoles using the MACRO streamer tube sub-system. The hardware and the details of the analysis procedures will be discussed also. The results for slowly moving monopoles are reported from a first data taking period using only part of the detector. © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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