Publications [#362621] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Alonso, J; Avignone, FT; Barletta, WA; Barlow, R; Baumgartner, HT; Bernstein, A; Blucher, E; Bugel, L; Calabretta, L; Camilleri, L; Carr, R; Conrad, JM; Dazeley, SA; Djurcic, Z; Gouvea, AD; Fisher, PH; Ignarra, CM; Jones, BJP; Jones, CL; Karagiorgi, G; Katori, T; Kopp, SE; Lanza, RC; Loinaz, WA; McIntyre, P; McLaughlin, G; Mills, GB; Nolen, JA; Papavassiliou, V; Sanchez, M; Scholberg, K; Seligman, WG; Shaevitz, MH; Shalgar, S; Smidt, T; Syphers, MJ; Spitz, J; Tanaka, H-K; Terao, K; Tschalaer, C; Vagins, M; Water, RVD; Wascko, MO; Wendell, R; Winslow, L, Expression of Interest for a Novel Search for CP Violation in the Neutrino Sector: DAEdALUS (June, 2010) [pdf] .

    DAEdALUS, a Decay-At-rest Experiment for delta_CP studies At the Laboratory for Underground Science, provides a new approach to the search for CP violation in the neutrino sector. The design utilizes low-cost, high-power proton accelerators under development for commercial uses. These provide neutrino beams with energy up to 52 MeV from pion and muon decay-at-rest. The experiment searches for aninu_mu to antinu_e at short baselines corresponding to the atmospheric Delta m^2 region. The antinu_e will be detected, via inverse beta decay, in the 300 kton fiducial-volume Gd-doped water Cherenkov neutrino detector proposed for the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL). DAEdALUS opens new opportunities for DUSEL. It provides a high-statistics, low-background alternative for CP violation searches which matches the capability of the conventional long-baseline neutrino experiment, LBNE. Because of the complementary designs, when DAEdALUS antineutrino data are combined with LBNE neutrino data, the sensitivity of the CP-violation search improves beyond any present proposals, including the proposal for Project X. Also, the availability of an on-site neutrino beam opens opportunities for additional physics, both for the presently planned DUSEL detectors and for new experiments at a future 300 ft campus.

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