Publications [#365651] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Machado, LN; Abe, K; Hayato, Y; Hiraide, K; Ieki, K; Ikeda, M; Kameda, J; Kanemura, Y; Kaneshima, R; Kashiwagi, Y; Kataoka, Y; Miki, S; Mine, S; Miura, M; Moriyama, S; Nakano, Y; Nakahata, M; Nakayama, S; Noguchi, Y; Okamoto, K; Sato, K; Sekiya, H; Shiba, H; Shimizu, K; Shiozawa, M; Sonoda, Y; Suzuki, Y; Takeda, A; Takemoto, Y; Takenaka, A; Tanaka, H; Watanabe, S; Yano, T; De Perio, P; Martens, K; Vagins, MR; Bian, J; Griskevich, NJ; Kropp, WR; Locke, S; Smy, MB; Sobel, HW; Takhistov, V; Yankelevich, A; Han, S; Kajita, T; Okumura, K; Tashiro, T; Tomiya, T; Wang, X; Xia, J; Yoshida, S; Megias, GD; Fernandez, P; Labarga, L; Ospina, N; Zaldivar, B; Pointon, BW; Akutsu, R; Gousy-Leblanc, V; Hartz, M; Konaka, A; Prouse, NW; Kearns, E; Raaf, JL; Wan, L; Wester, T; Hill, J; Kim, JY; Lim, IT; Park, RG; Bodur, B; Scholberg, K; Walter, CW; Bernard, L; Coffani, A; Drapier, O; El Hedri, S; Giampaolo, A; Mueller, TA; Santos, AD; Paganini, P; Quilain, B; Ishizuka, T; Nakamura, T; Jang, JS; Learned, JG; Cao, S; Choi, K; Anthony, LHV; Martin, D; Scott, M; Sztuc, AA; Uchida, Y; Berardi, V; Catanesi, MG; Radicioni, E; Calabria, NF; De Rosa, G; Collazuol, G, Pre-supernova Alert System for Super-Kamiokande, Astrophysical Journal, vol. 935 no. 1 (August, 2022), pp. 40-40, American Astronomical Society [doi] .

    In 2020, the Super-Kamiokande (SK) experiment moved to a new stage (SK-Gd) in which gadolinium (Gd) sulfate octahydrate was added to the water in the detector, enhancing the efficiency to detect thermal neutrons and consequently improving the sensitivity to low energy electron anti-neutrinos from inverse beta decay (IBD) interactions. SK-Gd has the potential to provide early alerts of incipient core-collapse supernovae through detection of electron anti-neutrinos from thermal and nuclear processes responsible for the cooling of massive stars before the gravitational collapse of their cores. These pre-supernova neutrinos emitted during the silicon burning phase can exceed the energy threshold for IBD reactions. We present the sensitivity of SK-Gd to pre-supernova stars and the techniques used for the development of a pre-supernova alarm based on the detection of these neutrinos in SK, as well as prospects for future SK-Gd phases with higher concentrations of Gd. For the current SK-Gd phase, high-confidence alerts for Betelgeuse could be issued up to 9 hr in advance of the core collapse itself.

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