Publications [#375017] of Kate Scholberg

Papers Published
  1. Abe, K; Akhlaq, N; Akutsu, R; Ali, A; Alonso Monsalve, S; Alt, C; Andreopoulos, C; Antonova, M; Aoki, S; Arihara, T; Asada, Y; Ashida, Y; Atkin, ET; Barbi, M; Barker, GJ; Barr, G; Barrow, D; Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M; Berardi, V; Berns, L; Bhadra, S; Blanchet, A; Blondel, A; Bolognesi, S; Bonus, T; Bordoni, S; Boyd, SB; Bravar, A; Bronner, C; Bron, S; Bubak, A; Buizza Avanzini, M; Caballero, JA; Calabria, NF; Cao, S; Carabadjac, D; Carter, AJ; Cartwright, SL; Casado, MP; Catanesi, MG; Cervera, A; Chakrani, J; Cherdack, D; Chong, PS; Christodoulou, G; Chvirova, A; Cicerchia, M; Coleman, J; Collazuol, G; Cook, L; Cudd, A; Dalmazzone, C; Daret, T; Davydov, YI; De Roeck, A; De Rosa, G; Dealtry, T; Delogu, CC; Densham, C; Dergacheva, A; Di Lodovico, F; Dolan, S; Douqa, D; Doyle, TA; Drapier, O; Dumarchez, J; Dunne, P; Dygnarowicz, K; Eguchi, A; Emery-Schrenk, S; Erofeev, G; Ershova, A; Eurin, G; Fedorova, D; Fedotov, S; Feltre, M; Finch, AJ; Fiorentini Aguirre, GA; Fiorillo, G; Fitton, MD; Franco Patiño, JM; Friend, M; Fujii, Y; Fukuda, Y; Furui, Y; Giannessi, L; Giganti, C; Glagolev, V; Gonin, M; González Rosa, J; Goodman, EAG; Gorin, A; Grassi, M; Guigue, M; Hadley, DR; Haigh, JT; Hamacher-Baumann, P; Harris, DA; Hartz, M; Hasegawa, T, Measurements of the νμ and ν ¯ μ -induced coherent charged pion production cross sections on C 12 by the T2K experiment, Physical Review D, vol. 108 no. 9 (November, 2023), American Physical Society (APS) [doi] .

    We report an updated measurement of the νμ-induced, and the first measurement of the ν¯μ-induced coherent charged pion production cross section on C12 nuclei in the Tokai-to-Kamioka experiment. This is measured in a restricted region of the final-state phase space for which pμ,π>0.2 GeV, cos(θμ)>0.8 and cos(θπ)>0.6, and at a mean (anti)neutrino energy of 0.85 GeV using the T2K near detector. The measured νμ charged current coherent pion production flux-averaged cross section on C12 is (2.98±0.37(stat)±0.31(syst)-0.00+0.49(Q2 model))×10-40 cm2. The new measurement of the ν¯μ-induced cross section on C12 is (3.05±0.71(stat)±0.39(syst)-0.00+0.74(Q2 model))×10-40 cm2. The results are compatible with both the NEUT 5.4.0 Berger-Sehgal (2009) and GENIE 2.8.0 Rein-Sehgal (2007) model predictions.

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